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He was looking at my father at the kitchen, he was breathing in double time I know there was something wrong. ‘Ever since I . . . picked you up before school I want us to go to school together. That’s all nothing special’ He said ‘Oh well it’s fine by me you can pick me up every day before school if you want’ I smiled at him ‘Okay great’ he smiled back and moments later my dad said ‘You guys done?’ ‘Yes dad’ I replied. My dad got out of the kitchen door with his cooking placed on a pushcart and when it arrived on the table he opened the lid ‘viola’ he uttered ‘My special tuna fish casserole, Lamb cobbler and for desert a raspberry and white chocolate bread and butter pudding!’ I stood with amazement, he didn’t burn a single one of his dish let’s just hope it tastes good more than it looks. ‘Damien that’s my seat go seat next to Emma’ He said. Damien moved out of the chair and sat beside me. My dad sat down and we began to eat.
   We spent the night laughing and talking about how my dad cooked for the very first time without any mistakes. Everything tasted divine like you can taste heaven, it was so good. We were nearly done eating when dad asked Damien a question that got me silent ‘So Damien, I could tell that you’re a nice guy but I don’t know you that much’ he said then he added ‘Do you have a girlfriend?’ ‘Dad!’ I said annoyed ‘What sweetie?’ He replied ‘I don’t have a girlfriend but I only have an eye for one girl. She’s amazing’.
My mood instantly changed, just amazing he has someone else in mind already guess he fell in love with the new girl. My dad looked at us as if he was planning something ‘So who is this amazing girl?’ he asked and leaned forward ‘Oh I can’t tell you besides I don’t even know if she likes me.’ Damien and I got shocked. My dad suddenly burst, he stood up putting his hand aggressively on the table ‘Why wouldn’t she like you? I mean what’s not to like? You’re a charming guy not to mention you have the moves. You’re like me, only younger, -- a little. I tell you that girl is blind.’ Dad sat down in disappointment then he looked at me as if I did something wrong. ‘No I mean it’s okay someday I’ll make her fall for me and I won’t stop until that happens’ He replied with a smile on his face ‘Well if this girl would be your girlfriend then how will you treat her’ dad asked ‘My everything. I’ll make her feel that she is the most beautiful girl with no hesitations, I’ll protect her and I will never forget to tell her every day how much she means the world to me’ Damien said those words like he vowed in front of the whole church at a wedding I stared at him while he was talking.
Look at him being all charming with his words, I continued eating just so they can’t tell that I‘m a little pissed off. Is this even a good thing that I’m in love with him? He can’t even say things straight and I can’t be the one to make the first move, I’m the girl here. What’s the use anyway? maybe he just sees me as a friend and his treatment towards me is just his nature, his uncle is quite the gentleman. As I was focusing on my plate I heard my dad say ‘That’s sweet. You’re a good man Damien who ever she is she’ll be lucky to have you’ dad replied ‘Ahm Emma are you okay? ‘Oh yeah everything’s fine. Good luck on making her love you coz’ if I will be the judge you’re still not barely there. ‘Oh so if you were the girl? You won’t love me?’ Damien asked ‘Well yeah you’re way way... behind’
Dad was staring right at me as if I had killed someone and placed his hand on his face. What is happening to me! I looked at Damien and saw that he was beginning to feel sad even if he didn’t like me I know for a fact that he did not deserve that but all of the sudden he smiled and said ‘Then I’ll do better this time’ he replied ‘Thanks for the advice Emma’ He added. My dad was amazed by his spirit by not being affected on what I had just said.
I looked at the clock and realized it was getting late, it was already 9:45 Damien needs to be home at 10:15 because he needs to take care of his grandmothers medicine, he is the only one who knows how to operate the machine. I told my dad that he needed to head home. Damien and I stood up from our seats, he was about to say goodbye to my dad and about to thank him for the food but he stopped him short and said ‘We never got to dance, we till got time’ ‘Dad we only ate it’s bad to dance when you have a full stomach. The dance off can wait tomorrow’ I replied.
   My dad took out his phone and dimmed the lights and a small crystal ball on the ceiling was lit up ‘Who said anything about a dance off?’ he said. A love song played and my dad took my hand ‘can I have a dance with my princess? ‘ he asked ‘of course dad’ I replied we went to the center and danced after a minute I heard him say ‘Sweetie, when you find your prince charming that will sweep you off your feet and treat you like a queen, remember that you will always be my one and only princess’ I can see my dad tearing up when he said those words I touched his face and said ‘I will always be your princess dad, you’ll always have me’ then I hugged him. My dad let go of my embrace and went up to Damien ‘Can you finish this song for me? I’m just going to get a glass of water.
   Damien went up to me and asked ‘may I have this dance my lady?’ ‘I’d be honored’ I replied. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his shoulder then held my hand and placed his hand on my waist. We danced to the music. It’s like our hearts were synced to each other. Our eyes were locked I didn’t see anything except him. My heart raced when he leaned forward and I placed my head on his shoulder. I never wanted this night to end, it was enchanting

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