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One Friday night, It’s already 2 am and I’m still on my computer looking at my mother’s performances. Listening to all her song made me cry. I’ve heard all those songs before and I didn’t know that my mother was the one singing. As I looked at my mother I could tell we’re I inherited my looks because my dad and I are nothing alike. Her hair, her lips, her eyebrows and her eyes I had it all. I was scrolling down when I found a video of her singing to me when I was 2 years old, she was in her house. I couldn’t believe that my mom wrote me a song, while listening to her singing I cried so hard that I can’t even see the screen anymore.

‘Your little hand's wrapped around my finger and it's so quiet in the world tonight. Your little eyelids flutter 'cause you're dreamin' so I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light. to you, everything's funny you got nothing to regret, I'd give all I have honey, If you could stay like that. Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up don't you ever grow up just stay this little
I won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart and no one will desert you just try to never grow up never grow up.’

I touched the screen as I saw her carry me while saying ‘That was just the first part my love, I’m still finishing it for the world to hear it tomorrow, happy birthday sweetie’ then in the video I let out a tiny giggle and the video ended. I heard my dad going up the stairs so I closed my computer and I rushed up to my bed to pretend I was sleeping. When my dad opened the door I could see his shadow. I heard him saying something but it wasn’t that clear to me all I heard him say was ‘Sorry sweetie’. I don’t know why he said that. Did he done something wrong earlier? What was he sorry for? I mean he’s the best dad that I could ever have.

   After a whole minute he walked up to me and kissed my forehead then left. I just ignored what I heard last night even if I wanted to know so badly why he never told me about my mom I decided to save it for another day because dad looked so run down from work and it won’t hurt, if he isn’t ready to talk about mom then I’ll until he’s ready. I closed my eyes and by the time I opened them it’s already morning. A week has passed Damien and I helped each other with our studies, I would attend the chorale practice and he would support me all the way and so did I on his dance choreography where they got the title, I was so proud of him. We would have lunch together and he would take me home on his bike coz’ he said he wanted me to be safe and every time that I would come home to school I would search everything about my mom. Maybe this new city isn’t too bad.
   I opened my curtains making the sunshine pass through my window then I saw someone outside. It was Damien. He was riding on a bike, wearing a brown shirt, black pants and his hair was brushed up. It was the first time I saw his hair styled like that he looks so handsome. I waved at him and opened up my window and asked ‘Ian why are you here?’ ‘Can I come in?’ he replied ‘But my dad’s here I don’t think he’d . . .’ before I could even say anything further ‘It’s okay, I’ll manage’ well I have to say he has the moves the looks and the guts to face my dad. He is definitely my dream guy.
   ‘Okay wait just 5 minutes, I’m just going to fix up a little’ I said before leaving the window ‘Okay, but you don’t have to you’re already beautiful’ I didn’t heard what he said because he was far away so I asked him but he just said ‘Go, I’ll be waiting on your porch’

   After I took a shower and put on my clothes, of course I was going to wear my best outfit because Ian is here I don’t want to look like a complete mess in front of him. I put on light make up and headed down stairs then I heard the doorbell. I went to the door and opened it and saw Damien standing there while holding an orange Tulip.
‘Ahm actually I came here coz I wanted to...’ before he could finish my dad got out from the kitchen and ask ‘Honey, who’s at the door?’ said my dad‘Oh no my dad’ I said in fear.
   My dad approached us and saw Damien at the door. He looked at him from top to bottom like what he always do whenever there was a boy in our house. ‘Sweetie, who is this? I was about to introduce Ian to my father when he interrupted and introduced himself instead while giving my father a handshake. ‘Good morning Mr. Cambrook. I’m Damien Baner, Emma’s classmate’ He paused for a second and said ‘Damien?’ I could see my dad giving him a strange look, I don’t know what’s happening but I know for sure that he’s gonna send him home ‘Oh by the way this is for...’ I know I had to say something. I don’t want Damien to be leaving so soon I mean, he just got here and it would have been rude. ‘For – my scrapbook!’ I shouted ‘I didn’t know you were into scrap books?’ dad said being baffled by the information he got. ‘Oh please dad there’s so much more you don’t know about me like how I love collecting flowers and letting them die I mean dry in books’ I said with my hands moving everywhere I went up to Damien, took the flower and said Thank you.
   ‘Okay, Ahm since you’re here Damien, why don’t you come in have breakfast with us it’s only 7:20, It’s too early to go to school’ said my dad while moving aside so that Damien could walk inside ‘Well it is early, okay Mr. Cambrook’ Damien said politely as he smiled at him ‘Oh no, please call me Stan’
    What? My father wanted Damien to call him Stan? What is happening? While I was preparing the orange juice I heard the two talking like they were bonding or something. I went to the breakfast table and found my dad smiling while talking to Damien. I asked my dad what he was so happy about
   ‘Sweetie you didn’t mentioned that this boy right here is into dancing like me’ he looked at Damien and said ‘Oh we’re going to get along just well’ my eyes widen ‘What? like you? So you mean to tell me that you’re a dancer like Ian?’ I said in disbelief ‘Yeah, I was the best dancer back in my time. I was like this and that!’ he said while moving his arms ‘Ha! The girls would go nuts whenever I danced even your mother’
   I was shocked it was the first time he ever mentioned mother. After what he said he went silent and I didn’t know what to do. But, Damien he had an idea.
   ‘Hey Stan I have the coolest beat here in my phone why don’t we play it and let’s show each other our best dance moves. Emma will be the judge. Since she doesn’t know how to dance’ He said and looked at me with a funny face. I looked at him annoyed and said ‘Well you’re not that much good of a singer either so we’re even’ He laughed and said ‘Too shay Ms. Emma’ My dad interrupted and went close to Damien. ‘Are you challenging me to a dance off?’ they were standing so still in front each other. ‘Well, are there any challengers?’ Damien asked with a smirk on his face ‘Oh it’s on’ Said my dad. They began dancing their best moves. I enjoyed every minute of it, watching them. I could see how my dad was so happy dancing his heart out, I’ve never seen him so happy. The judgment arrived and it was time to choose the one who bust out the best moves ‘The winner is Stan’ My father jumped for joy when he heard his name ‘Well, what do you know. Your old man still got the moves’ he said to Damien with confidence
   ‘You still got it, this was the best dance off that I ever experienced. Thank you’ He said while shaking my father’s hands ‘No, Thank you’ my dad let go of Damien’s hand and hugged him ‘you made me remember how it felt like to dance and also to win at dancing. I missed it so much’
   After that touching moment that felt like an eternity Damien and I said our good bye to my dad and made our way to school. I rode on Damien’s bike, I can feel the wind in my hair and hearing the sweet settle music that Damien was playing was so perfect. I said to him It was my favorite song. It was the best place that I could ever be in.

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