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It was just an ordinary day, another day at school but everything, every simple thing became magical all because of him. Him going to my house and picking me up before school starts was basically what I always waited for every single day. I didn’t rode my bike to school because my foot still hurts.
   Our last class was dismissed. It was already 4:30 pm and I heard Damien call me using his nickname to me. ‘Cupcake!’ he shouted. Everybody heard it and looked at us, I asked Damien what he was in a hurry about and he said ‘Ahm. I was wondering if you want to go out later’ ‘like on a date?’ I asked, raising my eyebrows
   ‘No not like a date but it would be nice if it was’. He whispered the last part, making me wonder what he was saying. ‘Damien!’ I raised my voice a little ‘Oh. Ahm like a friendly stroll in the park or dinner, Just a thank you for what you did for me’ Damien said while awkwardly scratching his head ‘Okay, what time?’ I asked. ‘Let’s say 7:30 I still need to do my homework’ I told him that I agreed to his invitation. He insisted to take me home but I rather walk home just so I could exercise my foot it’s getting better if I try to walk it out. ‘Well okay, I’ll pick you up at your house then’ he said and winked at me ‘Okay, sounds great’ I replied. ‘See you later cupcake and stay on the sidewalk!’ and before I knew it he was out of my sight I was blushing all the way home, still remembering how he smiled when he held my hand earlier. It was so wonderful to meet someone like Damien but, he’ll never be mine. Being friends is all that we can be and nothing more; I can get used to this - maybe.
    I arrived home and saw my dad preparing for dinner. He cooked for the both of us, I felt ashamed that I couldn’t join dad for dinner because of Damien’s invitation. I went up to dad and asked what he was preparing. ‘Lamb cobbler for my princess’ He said with exhilaration ‘Wow for dinner? This is the first time we won’t be ordering chinese food, your really the best dad!’ I replied ‘Anything for you sweetie. But I’m still learning and I’ll try not to burn the food this time’ He said.
‘But what?’ I could see my father’s smile turned into a frown the moment he heard what I said. I know I was going to break his poor dad heart if I said I couldn’t join him for dinner that he made. ‘But, I mean this wouldn’t be enough for three’ I said while pointing at his cooking
‘Damien’s coming over?’ I nodded my head and my dad just burst into joy when he heard that Damien was coming over and said with excitement ‘What? Damien is coming over? Well why didn’t you said it earlier! You’re right this isn’t enough. I’ll make a tuna casserole!
   He prepared his ingredients and I offered to help him judging by his cooking skills I could tell he needs an extra hand but he just made me go upstairs to get ready. ‘I got this’ He said. I went up to my room and took a shower. I looked at my wardrobe and saw a light pink dress I decided to wear it because I know he likes pink.
   It’s 7:18 and I called Damien to say that we would have dinner here at my house with my dad. I told him how his face lit up the moment I said his name; he agreed to the plan and said through the phone that he’s on his way then I hung up. Minutes later I heard the doorbell, my dad got the door and as I was going down the stairs I saw him. He was wearing a light pink polo shirt the same color as mine and black pants , his hair was brushed up to the side. He looked so clean and sophisticated even without him wearing a tux.

Damien’s POV
   I saw Stan open the door and as I looked up the stairs there she was. Emma looks so stunning in that light pink dress of hers. Her hair is so beautiful the way it’s tied up and her smile, her smile makes everything perfect that I just stood there in awe. She was the most beautiful girl that I had ever laid my eyes upon. I greeted Stan and he offered me to come in. I smiled at her as Emma was walking down the stairs, I could smell her perfume from here as a gust of wind came rushing through the window; Cherries and vanilla.

Emma's POV
   I walked down the stairs to greet him and I accidentally tripped ‘Glad I caught you’ Said Damien. His arms was wrapped around my body, my cheeks were turning red. He then helped me stand up ‘Thank you’ I uttered while holding my face ‘I’ll always be here, ready to catch you’ he said and gave me a cute wink.
    I could see that my father was watching us the whole time ‘well you guys didn’t tell me that there would be a color coding’ my dad said. ‘We didn’t plan to wear pink tonight’ Damien and I said it at the same time ‘No problem I’ll just change my shirt, You two wait in the dining room while I change’ he replied and went up stairs to change. Damien and I made our way to the dining room and found the table full of candle lights and some were even scented and there was music playing. I don’t know what get up my father was pulling but Damien seemed to like it. ‘Wow’ he said ‘this looks exactly like the restaurant that I was planning to take you to’ He said with a quiet voice. I asked him what he said but he just looked at me and pulled out a chair ‘your seat my lady’ he said. After I had seated and was comfortable he handed me the white tulip that he was holding ‘Hey, I had to make up for the daisy earlier. Hope you like it’ the candle lights and the music, everything was just right. It was like the perfect date that a girl could ever have. His face being illuminated by the candle light, both of you looking at each other like lovers while a sweet subtle music playing and being with the one you love for a perfect dinner. I looked at the rose and took it from his hand and said
   ‘I love it, thank you Ian’ He then smiled and seated on the opposite side of the table. I placed the rose on the side and waited for my dad to come down. While waiting I turned my attention to Damien because of what he said as he looked into my eyes ‘You look beautiful’ my cheeks turned red again and said a compliment back to Damien ‘Well, you look beautiful too. I mean handsome! You look handsome tonight! well, not just tonight I mean you’re always handsome – it’s just tonight you look handsome-er’ As I was mumbling those embarrassing words my hands were everywhere then he made a little laugh ‘Thank you Emma I didn’t knew that I could be handsome-er’ he said while giggling.
    I said handsomer? Wow Emma, at this phase you can make your own dictionary. ‘Yeah, who knew’ I replied. In my embarrassment a drank the glass of water until it’s no more a glass of water ‘wouldn’t that make you lose your appetite?’ asked Damien ‘No I can eat way more if I drink water first I could devour anything that’s in front of me’ I replied while holding the glass ‘Okay then I will too’ He got the glass of water and drank it all to the last drop ‘well that was refreshing’ He uttered. After that we laughed then suddenly our eyes intertwined. I could see his eyes shining because of the candle light and his wet lips. ‘Your dad sure takes time to pick an outfit ha?’ he asked. ‘I know. What’s even taking him so long?’ I looked at the stairs and wondered what’s taking so long.
   ‘Anyway, Emma? About what I was going to tell you in the green house?’ I turned to him and asked ‘What about it?’ I saw him bite his lips ever so slightly and inhaled deeply before speaking ‘I wanted to tell you that ever since I...’ and before he could finish ‘So what did I miss?’ my dad interrupted ‘Dad he was about to tell me something!’ He looked at both of us and decided to give us time and went to the kitchen. ‘So you where saying?’ I asked Damien. I got exited coz’ I remembered what he said to me that I was precious to him. Could this be it?

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