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‘What? But that’s my favorite song. So you’re saying I – I’m the girl?’
   ‘Yes, It’s you. It’s always been you!. That’s what I wanted to tell you every time but at first you keep on insisting on your plan so I figured that you don’t like me that much. You always seem to see me only as a friend but I decided long before that I wanted us to be more than that. All this time I wanted tell you so badly how I felt for you but it always ends up a mess’ He said sadly. He went to the kiosk and sat there I followed him and said ‘What do you mean?’ I looked at him as he stood up in front of me and took my hand.
   ‘What I mean is that I’ve been loving you. Emma Verdana Cambrook, I’ve been loving you the moment I saw you in school watching me dance, the moment you first mumbled at me, the first time you called me gumdrop -- all the first times that I had with you even my first kiss!. I love how you giggle, i love how you touch your chin with your thumb in class and i love how you smell like cherries and vanilla. Ever since we met I fell in love with you, I couldn’t get you out of my mind. The main reason why I was being sweet to you is because that’s the only thing I knew how to do. I was so terrified to tell you how I feel and I was also waiting for a perfect timing to say it to you because - you’re perfect! I was scared that you’d turn me down. But I guess I didn't do enough to make you fall for me because you still couldn’t see me more than just a friend.’ I was stunned that I couldn’t speak; he turned around after not getting any reply from me ‘I know you didn’t like me’ he said in a sad tone.
I slowly came close to him and said ‘You’re right I don’t like you -- I don’t like you because I love you’ He lifted his head and turned to me with the biggest smile that I have ever seen on his face, constantly asking me if what I said was really true and not just to make him happy. I nodded my head in embarrassment ‘I’m sorry, I’m just not used to these declaration of love or anything I had so many chances to tell you how I felt for you and...’ before I could finish what I was about to say Damien interrupted and lifted me up ‘Are you crazy? All that matters now is you - us!’ He put me down and placed his hand on my left cheek as he said ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I know that we’re still very young but I want to promise you this that I will marry you, my decision will be final and it will never change.
    Would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend until you become my wife?’ I cried a little as I saw him getting out a diamond ring from his pocket and got down on his knees. I’ve always knew that I wanted to be with him every step of the way so I said yes. He put the ring on my finger as he kissed my hand gently; He stood up and before he could kiss me he uttered ‘Before I forget, A red tulip for my love’ he handed it to me and then I realized, our teacher taught this to us, on the first day of school and all of those tulips meant something. I asked him if he had planned all of these while looking into his eyes, he looked away and said ‘I kinda did, I’m surprised you just realized it now’ ‘you and your charming ways to make me fall for you and you know what’s even crazy? even if I’m already in love with you, you still manage to make me fall for you even harder’ I said while pulling him closer as we gazed into each other's eyes ‘I can say the same to you Miss Emma’ He got closer to me and stared at my lips for a second then Damien asked if he could kiss me and since our first kiss wasn’t that memorable, I let him. The kiss lasted for a whole minute then he started to sing the lines of the song ‘Even if we met on a crowded street in 1944, still would’ve been mine, you would’ve been’. I opened my eyes and said ‘Your voice is music to my ears’ He gave me a smirk and said ‘Well I have the best music inspiration that got me into singing’ then he pulled me in for another kiss.
Seconds later it suddenly got dark; the clouds rapidly covered the moon and rain poured heavily. ‘Okay that wasn’t my fault my voice isn’t the same as before right?’ we shared a laugh when he said those words ‘Now how do we get home with all this rain’ he added ‘It’s okay I’m sure dad will understand if we get home a bit late than usual’ I replied to Damien with a smile. Little did I know that what we’re experiencing was the storm that was supposed to make landfall tomorrow night. I left my phone at home and Damien’s phone was out of battery so there’s no way we could contact my dad or his uncle to pick us up.

Stan’s POV
  It’s already 1 am, I just woke up minutes ago and they’re still not home. I’m getting really worried I don’t know where to find them, Emma forgot her phone and I couldn’t contact Damien. ‘Oh he is in big trouble’ I said to Danny that was sitting on the couch ‘Calm down I’m sure they are fine. I know my nephew, he’s a very responsible young man’ he replied with full confidence. I looked at him with despise. 'How could I be calm when they’re not here and maybe you don’t remember there is a storm! The weather man was dumb to say that the storm was gonna hit tomorrow.' I said loudly then the lights went out. ‘See!?’ I shouted at Danny while he was lighting up a candle ‘Don’t worry first thing tomorrow we will search for them, I already contacted the police to help us, now let’s get some sleep’ I managed to calm down but never gotten any sleep.

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