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I can’t believe I have to wake up in the morning thinking of what I can do to get the both of them back together. I just gave myself a serious torture all because of my big mouth. I decided to call Damien to ask something about Brianna, Her likes and dislikes something like that. His phone is ringing. I was waiting for him to pick up. When he answered my call I froze for a second when I heard.
   ‘Good morning cupcake glad you called’
   Cupcake? Did he just call me cupcake? No it couldn’t be. I mean, he doesn’t have my number. It wouldn’t be possible either that he knows I was the one who called. I barely even spoke anything. Or maybe he’s dating someone else. My thoughts where all mixed up because of that one sentence of his. Well there goes my plan. On the bright side I’ll never get to torture myself now.
   ‘Ahm Hello? Emma are you still there?’ I heard from my phone. I never got to hung up. So this mean that he knew I was the one who called. And literally called me cupcake! Okay, Emma pull yourself together! The guy of your dreams called you cupcake say something cool and sweet
‘Yeah glad I called gumdrop’ I grabbed my tongue and gasped at what I just said. ‘Gumdrop?’ he asked in an awkward fashion hearing for the other side of the line I knew I had to say something; to save my embarrassed ass ‘Yeah it’s not like you’re the only one who can give nicknames’ I placed my hand on my face and made a weird smile
   ‘Oh okay. Make sense. So . . .’ Damien was about to say something when I stopped him with a question about his Ex – Girlfriend. ‘Really? Your still going with this? He blurted with an exhausted voice. ‘Yeah come on tell me already. What is she afraid of?’ being so persistent on my question I managed to get these information from him.
   He told me everything that Brianna found scary. Like Spiders, the dark, heights and poetry. It’s sweet to think that Damien knew everything about her, He must really loved her so much for him to remember those things about Brianna. Lucky her. When I got my answer I said goodbye and hung up.

   Those fears of hers kinda gave me an idea. I hung up and went to my desk to plan what to do. Coz’ Brianna has a boyfriend which is a total jerk and I don’t what Damien getting hurt. Operation “Get rid of jerk Boyfriend” commence.
   I went to school right on time I saw Ian sitting on his desk so I walked towards him and greeted him with a smile. ‘Hey, cupcake’ He uttered, my smile faded as I took a seat beside him ‘Stop calling me that’ I said with a tone ‘Oh, okay’ then I saw his face, he got sad because of the attitude I gave to him. I told him that It’s not like I don’t like him to call me that. ‘So you do like it when I call you that?’ he leaned closer to me and I can smell his sweet fragrance, I stepped back in panic and said ‘No! I mean I don’t, I like you I just don’t like it when’ ‘Wait you like me’ He said. I could see the disbelief in his eyes. I panicked! I can’t confess my love to him. Not in this situation I had to say something else. As I looked into his eyes I said to him ‘No. I mean Yeah I like you, But not like like you - like you I just like you as a friend that’s all basically’ then I made a little giggle. ‘Oh I see, I like you too. But I still want to call you cupcake if that’s okay with you but if you don’t. It’s cool’ My cheeks turned red, and my heart skipped a beat then I uttered ‘Okay’ He smiled and said ‘Okay – Cupcake’. ‘Gumdrop’ I said to him as I put my hands in his hair and messed it up. ‘This is so cool we have like our very own code names to each other yours is cupcake and mine is Gumdrop. This is too cool I tell you’ And again I got lost in his eyes. The sound of his voice is like sweet classical music that was being played in the middle of the forest. I was beginning to forget what I was about to say to Damien when suddenly I heard someone say


‘That’s right! Operation Get rid of jerk Boyfriend’ I said in a room voice ‘Wait what operation? And who’s jerk boyfriend?’ Said Damien ‘I have a plan – a genius plan and we’re going to do it on August 13 on Thursday next week’ I raised my eye brows up and down at Damien and gave him a smirk.
   He didn’t know exactly what was going on in my mind. But, when he heard what I said I can see on his face that he was game for it. We went to the schools roof top garden and talked about the plan. I already placed an anonymous note in Brandon’s locker earlier and now we just sit back and wait for the most genius plan to come into hand.
  While we were at the roof top, looking over the players on the field playing rugby. Damien asked me ‘You really think your plan will work?’ I turned to him and looked him straight in the eye ‘What are you talking about? Of course it will!’ I said confidently ‘But what if I don’t want it to work?’ he said those words and his eyes looked deep into mine. ‘Oh please I know you want to. You just can’t show it because you’re scared she’ll turn you down again’ as I was talking, I heard something; Something familiar. I paused for a moment. ‘But what if I told I already...’ I put my hand over his mouth and said. ‘Do you hear that? I love this song but I forgot the title I used to sing it when I was little’ as I was trying so hard to recall the title of the song I heard Damien speak.
   ‘Oh that song, the principal always play that whenever the rugby players are on the field. I already memorized the lyrics of that song because of him. You haven’t heard of the song Electric touch?’ he said it was one of his favorite songs of his favorite band. ‘Too bad the Outcasts lost their vocalist because of a robbery; she got shot and her daughter wasn’t found anywhere in the house they said maybe the robber stole the baby, it was a girl – still they never replaced her. Like ever. They said their band won’t be the same without her so they just quit, never made music again. I think it was Edna Tahoma but that was only her stage name. I can’t remember her real name but I think her surname was verdana, I’m not so sure though.’ I immediately held my head, I was about to pass out as my eyes were tearing up. I couldn’t believe it. Why haven’t I know this earlier?
   ‘The woman who is singing this very moment, the same woman who’s songs I have heard every single day – my mother’ ‘What? Edna Tahoma is your mother? you we’re that girl? Are you sure you’re not toying with me?’ he said with a bewildered tone ‘I’m not joking. I found a picture of my mom just months ago but it was smudged. I couldn’t recognize her face but at the back of it was written “Edelina, 1999” and I mean I do have her surname it’s my middle name Emma Verdana Cambrook’ I looked at Damien with joy. I hugged him so tight that he couldn’t breathe. ‘Maybe Edna and Edelina are the same person. It all makes sense now. Sometimes I heard dad sleep talking and calling out someone called Eli. Eli plus Edna is Edelina!’ I shouted so loud that it might have made his ear bleed. Damien still thinking about the possibilities that she was my real mother exclaimed ‘Now that you mention it’
   I jumped with excitement ‘It’s insane! If it weren’t for you I would have never put the pieces together!’ He smiled as he laid his gaze on me. He told me to at least calm down for a bit but how could I not?.
   ‘So what are you gonna do now?’ Damien asked ‘After almost 18 years I found out who my real mother was and my father never bothered to talk about. She’s amazing I don’t get it why my father wanted to keep her a secret from me. Oh my gosh! I have to go home!’ I rushed to get my bag and was about to say goodbye to Damien when I tripped on a cable and both of us fell down and I accidentally kissed Damien on the lips. His warm soft lips touched mine we both suddenly closed our eyes. The accidental kiss lasted for like 3 seconds and I immediately got up withdrawing from the kiss because I know this is wrong. I’m wrong. He’s in love with someone else and it isn’t me. I know that I’ll never get to be his cupcake with sweet meringue on top; I’m just an ordinary custard cupcake.
   ‘I’m sorry’ I said ‘It was an accident’ I didn’t manage to help him up because I was so embarrassed. Instead, I just ran towards the stairs and left him lying on the floor. ‘That was so embarrassing’ I said as I was running while covering my face. Finally I got home after all that running, I was worn down and just plummeted my body on my bed as I was staring at the ceiling I still can’t stop thinking about our kiss. How supple his lips are and I was freaking on top of him! my face is still red from what had happened. I’m a fool to think that he’d like me, that we can be a match and I know that that day can never ever come. After I pulled myself together a got a glass of water in the kitchen and browsed my mom’s band “the outcasts” on the web and there it was – my mother. She is so beautiful now I know where I got my light brown hair. This was the happiest moment of my life. I finally got the answers I wanted to have since I was a child. The last thing to do is to deal with my dad and ask him everything.

Damien’s POV
    I was still lying on the roof top floor ‘Did we just had our first kiss? WE JUST HAD OUR FIRST KISS! WHOOO! Well not exactly a memorable first kiss though if you think of it’ I got up on the floor and said to myself
   ‘We’re just friends but that girl really changes my point of view about everything. But how can I confess my feelings for her? When she keeps getting on with her plan to make me win Brianna back?. My love for Brianna is fading rapidly now ever since the day I first met Emma. Her dark blue doll eyes, her light brown hair, the way she laughs, giggles, even the way she mumbles. Emma? She’s something else. She turns my world upside down whenever I’m with her. Just thinking about her makes me smile’
   As I was looking down on the school grounds, I saw her running outside. She’s really in a hurry to go home.
   ‘Oh Emma when will you see me more than just a friend?’

The Perfect BeatHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin