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Emma’s POV
   We decided to sleep in the Large kiosk as we wait for the storm to pass, it was cold but Damien gave me his jacket to keep me warm. The moment I opened my eyes it was already morning and the sky had finally cleared I want to Damien and woke him up saying that we needed to go home, I know my dad is worried sick. We walked hurriedly on the street filled with fallen trees ,leaves and some cables. We finally got home and and before we could open the door someone opened it for us, it was my dad putting on his coat as he was saying ‘come on we need to find them right now’.
    The second he saw us he hugged me so tight that I couldn’t breath. He put me down then turned his attention to Damien, I could see his anger through his eyes as he said ‘You have failed me young man, I told you two to come back home before 11 and what did you do’ I interrupted and said ‘It wasn’t his fault dad and we’re okay isn’t that all that matters right now?’ Dad looked at me with disappointment and turned to Damien’s uncle ‘I thought your uncle raised you well’ Danny went up to him offended while saying ‘Hey, It wasn’t my fault it was yours to begin with’ in confusion Damien asked how it’s my fathers fault then Danny looked at my dad and said ‘ You still haven’t told him yet? ‘Told me what?’ Damien asked eagerly ‘I was about to tell you in private but I think I owe both of you an explanation but first come inside’.
    We went inside and my dad told us everything that Damien was his biological son saying he left his mom because he wanted to have a daughter. That’s where I got in the picture, he knew my mom other than him being her choreographer he was also a very good friend of my mom that’s why he took custody of me. . Also the reason why he chose me is because I had no one, both of my parents are gone my real dad died of cancer when I was still in my mom’s womb, no relatives or anyone he said that he was everything I got.
    They got into a serious fight after that because Damien’s mom wouldn’t accept me as her own, convincing him that she can give him a daughter but dad never bothered to wait because he knew that Damien’s mom was close to an age where women can’t bear a child anymore. After that he packed his stuff and left to another country He realized that it was a dick move; he knew that he made a big mistake when he chose me over his true family. They didn’t have any contact because after what had happened they cut him off. The only one who got his heart broken when he was forced not to have any contact with him was danny - Damien’s uncle, among all his mom’s siblings they were the closest. He said to me that the only reason why we moved here was because he wanted to find him and tell him that he’s sorry for what he did. He was so desperate when he heard the news from his friend that his mom died just to get to us, he felt guilty saying it was his fault but when he saw the two of us together he was scared that he would hurt both of us at the same time.
     I still couldn’t believe what I heard, I came up to him to let him know that I knew who my mother was all along and that it was because if Damien but what I didn’t know is that he wasn’t my real dad. He asked for forgiveness for not him telling me sooner, he was just waiting for me to turn eighteen so that I was mature enough to understand what was happening and because he had a little fear that when I found out is I would leave him then he started to cry. ‘I’ll never leave you. I’m thankful that you still cared for me even if I’m not your real daughter you’ll still be my dad no matter what happens’. He looked up at me then gave me a hug.

After that brief moment dad turned to Damien and took both of his hands desperately asking Damien if he could ever forgive him. I saw the disappointment adn anger in his eyes when he intensely let go of dad’s grip on his hands. He got out of his chair and screamed furiously ‘Lair! All this time I spent most of my time with you?! the most worthless father in the whole world how didn’t care for his own son and wife?! I despise you. You never cared about mom! You’re the reason why I’m miserable, you’re the reason why my mom died! And you’re the reason why I didn’t have a dad growing up! My real dad left me and chose...’ before he could finish what he was about to say he looked at me with hurt in his eyes, he paused and brought back his glare at his father while saying ‘I hate you!’ he then stormed out of the house and got on his bike, Dad followed him outside and tried to stop him. ‘I’m a terrible dad, I lost him again, ’ he said while sobbing on the wet grass, I comforted him and wiped his tears when I heard a loud honk it was Damien’s uncle on his motor bike ‘Nothing’s lost, hop on. Let’s go get your son’. We rode off and followed Damien.
He was so fast that we couldn’t catch up even if we were on a gas powered bike ‘Something that you didn’t know about your daughters boyfriend is that he was a four time gold medalist in a bike racing competition’ Danny said proudly. ‘That explains why he’s fast but did he just say boyfriend?’ dad said loudly in confusion ‘My sister’s ring is on her finger Stan that must mean something’ my dad was stunned about what he heard then I giggled and added ‘Actually he promised to propose to me. Well, if he wasn’t mad at me’. I said sadly when I remembered the way he looked into my eyes as if I’m the one who ruined his life. Dad placed his hand on my shoulder and assured me that he will never get mad at me and that he was just have a hard time processing what he found out. ‘I hope so’ I replied ‘Now, when that happens then it means you’ll be my daughter slash daughter in law’ he said with a smile on his face ‘I told you I’ll never leave’ After saying those words dad rapidly taped Dan’s shoulder and said ‘Well can’t this go any faster? We need too catch up with her husband to be’ dad shouted then Dan drove as fast as he could Dad shouted so loud as if he was riding a roller coaster, it was louder than the motor running. We finally saw him, he was about to cross the intersection when suddenly he fell down and he couldn’t get up --- he was injured badly then we saw a large truck coming downhill towards Damien. his uncle told us to get down so that he can go to him earlier before the truck could hit him but the truck was faster. There was a loud honk and next thing we knew the three of were screaming. 


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