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I smiled as I woke up from the hospital chair thinking about the past does make me nostalgic so I decided to go inside and sit with her, I walked through the door and there she lay just as beautiful as the day I first met her. she was asleep on the hospital bed, her room was peach colored and it had a big window that overlooked the garden, she had a bookshelf which I have been putting a book every time I visited her. I know for a fact she loved this room because of the garden and the bookshelf. Looking at her now, I can't believe I never saw the signs when we were together, I swear I could hit myself for not putting two and two together. I remember the first time she came to visit me at college, it was about a month into my studying and she called me saying how she missed me so I asked her to come to stay over. she was so excited yet nervous to stay, she was excited because I promised to take her to the beach and buy her lots of chocolate however she was nervous. After all, it was her first time away from herparents but I told her that she would enjoy her time here, and just like that she was happy to stay with me. her parents were very reluctant and it took a lot of effort but they soon came around. I took her to the beach on the first day she came to visit because I knew how much she enjoyed playing in the water. We made lots of sandcastles and we even buried each other in the sand. We made friends with a couple of kids and ended up playing a game of volleyball which might I add, I sucked at it. She enjoyed herself a lot unlike when I took her fishing which I was very happy about. I found it strange that she asked me a lot of questions throughout the weekend like if something were to happen to her would I leave her or would I forget her while I was in college? At first, I thought that she was being insecure and was overthinking but I told her that I wasn't going anywhere even if she wanted me gone. she was relieved about my answer and when I asked her why she was asking me such questions, she brushed me off. Every second weekend for that year she would come and stay with me and insist we take many pictures as we could so I had gotten a polaroid just to take pictures of her, every Sunday before she left she would ask me the same question and my answer never changed even till this day if she had to ask me. It was the last weekend of the year and she decided to spend it with me after a lot of begging on my part, I promised her that this weekend was going to be special because I had planned a surprise for her. It was Saturday evening when I told her that we were going out for her surprise, she was so excited because I never told her anything about where we were going and what we were about to do. I had already prepped everything before she came to stay so she wouldn't see what we were going to do. We got into the car and played some music on the radio, I drove while she happily sang to every song that came on, slowing down the car I took a picture of her happily smiling without her knowing and carried on driving to our destination. Once we got to a gas station I told her to put the blindfold on as this is where the surprise begins, she was reluctant and gave me a suspicious look but put it on mumbling if I kill her then she will come back and haunt me. I laughed and reassured her that I wasn't going to kill her because I wouldn't be able to live without her, that made her smile and reach over and peck me on the cheek. It took us about fifteen minutes to get to our destination and once we arrived she began asking ten thousand questions like if we arrived and if she could take the blindfold off. I told her that we were almost there but we had to walk a little unfortunately I ended up giving her a piggyback ride because she was too lazy to walk but I didn't complain because I enjoyed seeing her smile and laugh. We walked for about two minutes and I put her down, I stood in front of her and told her that she could take the blindfold off. When she removed the blindfold, her eyes became teary and she couldn't contain her happiness. In front of her was a field of sunflowers with a clear view of the sky full of stars. I knew how much she loved flowers and star watching so this place was perfect, she was so mesmerized by the beauty that she didn't even see me taking a picture of her. she had a big smile on her face and her eyes lit up with happiness, I truly felt at peace at this moment. We walked around with her admiring the flowers and me trailing behind admiring her and taking pictures of her. There was a big tree in the middle of the field and she ran to it, she asked if we could carve our names on it and come back to see the tree when we were older so that's what we did. We wrote 'Rora + Tony' with a heart around it. We stayed at the meadow till the sun rose, we sat, ate, and talked about everything under the moon while she was drawing in her sketchbook which she took with her everywhere. She was drawing until we reached home and not once did she let me see it, she had said that it was a surprise. Sunday had come way too soon and It was time for her to leave when she gave me the drawing just as her parents arrived to take her, once she left I looked at the drawing she had done and couldn't contain my shock. On that piece of paper was a big house in great detail in the middle of the sunflower field next to the big tree and under it were the words "our little paradise". The house wasn't big but more like a little cottage, it had a porch and a garden on the side while the tree had a swing with two people sitting on it. The drawing made my heart melt, she had drawn the house that she had pictured us living in while sitting with me and I knew that one day we will have it, we will have our own little paradise just her and I.

Until my last breath...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang