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I could hear the pitter-patter song of rain from outside the window. I took a walk to the window and indeed it was raining outside. Rora loved the rain, she enjoyed dancing in it even though I tell her that it is bad. I remember once when we were in high school, she was having a bad day because she was overstressing for an exam that she took. She kept saying how she didn't do well in it and that she was worried about what if she failed. She even went as far as to say that if she failed she would have to drop out and become a stripper which I found very hilarious because I couldn't imagine this tiny girl as a stripper. While she carried on complaining about her paper I was thinking of stripper names for her and that ended up with me doubling over laughing at the names. Imagine going to a club and seeing this beautiful tiny girl her name is tokoloshe. Now, this would be hilarious because a tokoloshe is a South African dwarf spirit who causes trouble. I am pretty sure she thought I was laughing at her and that made her even madder, she ended up ignoring me and went home with her friends. Coincidently that day it was raining very hard so I decided to cheer her up as I did make her sadder by laughing. I went home and dressed up in black buttoned up with jeans and my favorite white sneakers then drove to the nearest flower shop and bought her a bouquet of roses. I drove to her house as fast as I could, Once I was outside I turned the radio on and the song that was playing was "after you" by Megan trainer. I got out of the car and turned the volume all the way up so she could hear it since I knew her room was closer to the front of the house. When she didn't come out then I took my phone out, called, and told her to come quickly outside as it was an emergency. Rora looked outside her window and saw me standing there with my hand behind my back, she ran out of the house and asked me what I was doing there. I took her hand, gave her the flowers I got her, and asked if she would join me for a dance. She laughed and said yes. We danced with the rain pouring down on us and her in my arms, once the song ended she stopped dancing and told me that the song ended and we should go inside before we get sick. I grabbed her hand and leaned towards her ear and whispered that for her I would still dance even when the music stops. We spent another 5 minutes with me twirling her around and her smiling nonstop then we went inside and spent the rest of the evening cuddling on the couch and watching movies.

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