Part 1 - Average Tuesday

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As consciousness crept in, I let out a groan as the bright light from the window forced my eyelids open. I slowly rubbed my eyes and stretched my face, feeling the stiffness from the long night's sleep slowly dissipate.  I gurgled my voice in my throat a little as I rubbed my eyes. Before pushing myself out of the cozy bed, I let out a yawn, my mouth opening wide and the sound echoing in the quiet room. 

I then moved across the room, feeling the cold floor under my feet, and quickly made myself a drink on the small stove. The sound of water boiling and the aroma of tea filled the small space, making me feel more awake and alert. As soon as the tea was ready, I downed it quickly, feeling the warm liquid travel down my throat and spread its comforting warmth throughout my body. 

I went to the basin to wash my face and hands. I then decided to give my hair a quick wash and brush before heading to my wardrobe. Eventually, I settled on a pair of comfortable trousers, a crisp white shirt, a blue waistcoat, and my favourite suspenders.

As I got dressed, I made sure to tuck in my shirt neatly and adjust my waistcoat properly. I took a moment to decide on which tie to wear and eventually went with my old green tie, which I hadn't worn in a while. I thought it would add a bit of colour and personality to my outfit.

Once I finished putting on my clothes, I took the time to neatly make my bed. As I was about to head to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat, Hetty, came rushing into my room with a look of concern on her face.

"Jack, Mr Asling is getting restless again," she said, 

"Alright, I'll be down in a sec," I told her, 

I hastily collected all my essentials and rushed down to the ward to begin my routine check-ups. As I entered the room, the familiar sounds of patients complaining and the rustling of the nurses filled my ears. I quickly made my way over to Mr. Asling's bed, which had been causing quite a commotion. He was visibly agitated and in pain, so I made sure to attend to him first. After a thorough examination, I promised him some painkillers and another review, which seemed to ease his uneasiness.

Next, I moved on to the other patients, taking note of any changes in their condition and ensuring they were comfortable. It was a busy morning, but nothing too out of the ordinary. Patient after patient, I made my rounds, checking vitals, administering medication, and answering any questions they may have had. Despite the lack of excitement, it was work and it was nice just getting though the long list of tasks, 

As I was walking from the ward to the cupboard to get some more bandages, I couldn't help but notice the Professor loitering around. However, I only caught a glimpse of him since he appeared to be inebriated from the previous night's drinking session. As I passed him by, I saw him taking a swig from his flask, which is a commonplace sight, but it's unusual to see someone drinking that early on a Tuesday morning.

I couldn't help but notice that he had been drinking a lot lately, much more than his usual self. It was evident in his bloodshot eyes and the way he slurred his words. But I didn't question him about it since it's not my place to interfere in his personal matters. Likewise, he has never asked me anything about my business. 

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