Part 15 - Attachment

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I followed him back down to Y/n's room, they went inside again Doctor Ibils took so many precautions in his fear, he wanted to do more tests on Y/n and her teddy bear so I went along with him.

I sat down on the bed beside her and she smiled excitedly, her bear still in her arms. She came closer and nuzzled her head on my shoulder.

"Aww, hi little duck." I cooed giving her forehead a little kiss, 

"Alright, do it again. And no tricks Dawkins." Doctor Ibils glared with his notes in hand, 

"No tricks." I chuckled a little, "Can I have another look at your cute little teddy bear, little duck?"

She smiled and nodded, so I gently took her  teddy bear into my arms sitting the small bear on my lap but once again she didn't care she just wanted to cuddle with me, 

"He's a very lovely bear, thank you little duck," I told her, 

"It doesn't make any sense," He muttered, 

"Maybe she just trusts me," I smiled, 

"Hold her," he demanded,

"Don't have to tell me twice," I shrug wrapping my arms around her to keep her close, which made her giggle happily she held my shirt and nuzzled her nose into my neck, so I could feel her warm breath against my skin, so I squeezed her tightly enjoying our little cuddle, 

He moved closer, his hands trembling as he stepped closer and closer before he touched the teddy bear, and moved his hand away quickly. I did my best not to laugh. He came closer again and tugged on the ear of the bear but still, she had no interest in what he was doing whatsoever. 

"fascinating," He muttered, 

"if you say so," I shrug mostly just ignoring him and enjoying me and Y/n's sweet cuddles, 

He came closer again and and tugged the bear away from me and Y/n until he had it in his hands, "...My god- I- I never thought she would-" He gasped,

"I don't understand -" Professor gasped, 

"I... I had read of this. Rarely seen it," He explained,

"what?" I asked concerned as to his panic, 

"Attachment to items is common with the mentally unstable," He explained, "Often times it things like this, bears, blankets. They want control, and comfort, something they know is there's and never changes. Often it comforts objects that are clung to for abnormally long, however, because of their lack of stable mindset, the interruption of this control over their comfort object can become violent and cause them to become even more unstable," He explained, "When she was in the asylum, she would attack anyone who came near her bear, she would wash it herself if ever it was taken she made sure they paid... and yet I hold it in my arms and she has no interest now,"

"Perhaps she has grown out of it?" the professor asked,

"No, no. Attachments differ from comfort objects in this way they don't just... stop. Even once an item of attachment is destroyed..."

"Then? how is this possible!" He complained,

"... The only was it could change, on her terms. In her mind."

"The attachment must have gone," He said,

"Attachments don't just stop! They never stop!"

"Then what is this..."

"However attachments... due to changes. Can... move."

"Move?" I asked,

"Move from item to item." 

"Then what's the new item?"

He simply looked at me, 


"... You." 


"The attachment has moved, from her teddy bear, to the doctor." he sighed, 

"That's not possible you just said it moved from item to item, I am not an item?"

"No, but it is possible, in her mind you replace comfort, control, and happiness, give her something she feels is hers." 

"I- I'm her-"

"You're her new comfort object."

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