Part 14 - Dangerous

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I headed out and followed where Doctor Iblis had gone finding him in the courtyard with a cigarette pacing back and forth on the stone. 

"We had a deal," I smirked leaning on the railing,

"Screw our Deal!" he yelled back, "What did you do!"

"I did as you told me to, I touched her bear. I walked out. We agreed I'd be your second so you can cut the dog shit and treat me like the equal I am!"

"Equals! We. Are. Not. Equals." he growled, "You are... some sort of trickster-"

"How so?"

"You touched it!"

"Yes, I did! as our deal stated."

"Forget the bloody deal!" He yelled, "You... what did you do... how did you do that... that was not supposed to happen."

"Then pray tell what exactly did you think was going to happen?"

"She was meant to attack you!" 

His words echoed in the empty courtyard and there was silence until I broke it, "W-what..."

"She was meant to attack you." He said softly putting out his cigarette, "She's not well..."

"When you made the deal with me, what did you think was going to happen when I touched her teddy bear?"

"The same thing that's happened to every doctor, patient, or staff member that has touched that bear since she was brought to the asylum. She has an attachment to it."

"Of course she does-"

"No. you don't understand." He snapped, "I once saw her bite off a boy's ear for taking it. I saw her claw a nurse's eye almost out for moving it. I saw her take a needle and sew a doctor's mouth closed because he kissed it goodnight."

I was frozen to my very core with his words, "Y/n?"

"Yes y/n."

"I... I don't understand..."

"By all accounts, she should have lost her mind and attacked you. But she didn't so what did you do!"

"I don't know!" 

He stopped a moment,

"I don't know... I just... I just talked to her the same way I would any day,"

"She's not well. she's dangerous."

"... I- I have never known her to hurt a fly, not once. Y/n is sweet and cute and adorable. Not once has she ever even looked at me like she would be angry at me let alone that she would hurt me. I know what you have seen and I know I cannot change your mind, but I promise you I did no trickery, and I do not believe she will hurt me."

"fine..." He sighed, "You are my second regarding her matters."

"Thank you." 

"... I take it you are getting something out of this, Professor wouldn't let you this close to his granddaughter, wouldn't let one of his surgeons d-"


"One of his surgeons anywhere near his family... so what deal have you made with him?"

"That's my business." 

"I bet I can guess."

"we are not-"

"Go on, gambling man." he smirked, "I bet you I can get it in one."

"Go on then," I crossed my arms, "What do you think I'm getting out of this?"

"Head surgeon? Prof boots you up in the world, you're a naval-trained surgeon with no formal education. You'd have no hope of becoming a head surgeon and we both know doctors are paid in pennies unless you have a tittle over your head. So you strike a deal, you'll take care of his beloved granddaughter. Make her all better in exchange for the head surgeon position."

I chuckled,

"I wouldn't be packing anytime soon she's far from better-"

"I didn't make a deal for head surgeon." I chuckled, "I guess you're not as smart as you think you are." I smirked turning to go back inside,

"Her hand then?" 

I froze up,

"Ahh... that's it." he chuckled, "Her wellness for her hand. her mind for marriage. Her brain for her pussy-"

"Don't you dare talk about her like that!" I yelled grabbing his collar and pushing him against the wall, "She is the sweetest thing I have ever met and Yes I did make a deal with her grandfather, that if I can help her I can marry her. But no it was not some vain attempt to get under her crinoline merely a spur-of-the-moment arrangement made because I would have been asking him for her hand anyway. I care for that girl more than you will understand, and even if she were to rip out my eyes I would still be here trying to help her," I let him go and he took a breath, "I love that girl. and if you dare talk of her. or of me. in such a way again, I will be sure to show you how skilled a surgeon has to be to keep his patient alive and screaming through the worst pain known to mankind she's not dangerous to you. But I sure as hell am." I warn though gritted teeth, 

"Understood," He brushed his jacket off, 

"Thank you," I nodded, "We should get back to her,"

"Yes. we should see the patient. but if I may..."


"The care for madness and its many shapes... is not for the faint of heart."

"I'm a surgeon. As you said I am hands-deep in my patients like a rabid dog."

"Be that as it may. some treatments are not the easiest to witness much less on someone you care for, someone you ... love." He explained for a moment I felt like his words were genuine, "It is hard to hear them scream, hear them beg, to watch the pain they must feel, when you love them it makes it hard to see them as a patient." He said, "I'm sure as a surgeon that is something you do understand."

"I do. Yes." I nodded, 

"Then we agree, and we both understand... things will have to be done, that may not be so sweet"

"...I know that, but if you are cruel-"

"and if I have to be?" he snapped, "If I have to be cruel to her... will you stomach what has to be done?"

"There is always another way... I will not allow you to be cruel and inhumane to her."

"and if she had shattered leg, was bleeding out." He said, "And you had to tie her down, put a leather block in her mouth and watch her scream, and cry, and beg, as you cut off her leg... Then would I be able to stop you, call you cruel and inhumane." he said, "She's not well. and she must hurt to heal." he said 

I didn't answer so he walked past me and headed inside, I took a moment to breathe as much as I disliked him... 

Part of me knows he is right,

I sighed and headed inside. 

She's Not Well (The Artful Dodger) [TBS]Where stories live. Discover now