Part 7 - Alright

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I washed my hands up and gave my face a rinse from the basin, I yawned a little and crawled into my cold bed. I laid down on the metal cheap hospital metal framed bed and tucked the thin sheets around me. I adjusted the pillow a few times before trying to let myself drift to sleep. 

I enjoyed the darkness for a good while, but I perked up a little as I heard the footsteps down the corridor. I didn't think too much of it, it's a hospital there is always someone moving about. 

I heard footsteps approach my door and I heard it creak open. I sighed assuming it would be hetty here to fetch me for an emergency, who else and why else would I be being fetched this time of night, I heard the door creak closed again and small tender steps.

I pushed myself up keeping myself up on my elbows as I looked to the door and I saw Y/n stood in a little white silk nightie with little white lace, a crotched shawl around her sounders, little white thigh-high socks and little slippers. She smiled and waved at me.

"Oohh..." I smiled a little surprised to see her in my bedroom all of a sudden, "Hello you," I cooed, "What are you doing up here?"

she softly giggled and pulled her shawl tighter around herself and she softly trembled,

"Oh? you're cold? ohh you poor thing." I cooed, "Why didn't you just grab another blanket from the storage cupboard? Why'd you come all the way up here to find me?"

She merely smiles that cute innocent little smile, she playfully shifts in place and pulls in her bottom lip, batting her eyes at me as she looks at my bed. I glanced down at my bed and my sheets a second, it didn't take a genius surgeon to pick up on what she was hitting at. 

I smirked a little and raised an eyebrow at her, "You wanna come stay in my bed?"

She nodded excitedly, 

"Becuase you're cold?" I asked,

she nodded, 

"Not for any other reason?" I smirked, 

She shook her head, 

"Alright," I chuckled and shifted myself over a little, and pulled back my covers. "Come on little duck," 

She jumped excitedtly, she came over slipped off her shawl and hung it over the chair she left her slippers by the bed before she climbed in with me, of course us having to shift andf shuffle a little in the single bed, both of us laying on our sides with our noses touching, she rested her hands on my chest so I wrapped my own around her waist, her little head sharing my pillow. I wrapped the covers up and tucked us both in with a wide smile. I couldn't help smiling back and holding her a little tighter.

"Cosy little duck?" I whispered,

she nodded,

"Good, its kinda nice having you in my bed, you make it very warm and cosy," 

She giggled and wrapped her arms around me resting her head on my chest, but she then squirmed,

"What?" I chuckled,

she looked up with the most innocent of eyes and tugged on my shirt, 

"You- OH!" It clicked,

she just smiled inocently at me, I smirked a little and pulled my shirt off tossing it on the floor, not like I'd need it with her in bed with me I'd be plenty warm enough, and as soon as I laid back down she clamped her arms around my torso and squeezed me tight to her,

"Oohh... hello you," I chuckled, holding her tighter too and giving her little head a kiss, "Did you want to stay just a little while or all night?"

She meerly nuzzled even closer almost burrowing her nose into my sterumn,

"All night?"

She nodded,

"All night it is then," I smiled, "lets get some rest then?"

she nodded and moved even closer so we where barely an inch apart her legs knotting with my own,

"Alright, goodnight Little duck," I cooed, 

She picked her head up and nodded with a gentle smile before she gave my lips a soft sweet kiss, I happily kissed back, but this kiss wasn't full of passion or desire, but just sweet, soft and cosy, I felt... a little in love with that kiss and with her. She pulls back and nuzzled back up with me so I wrapped my arms around her tightly. I felt her begin to drift off in my arms and I know I wasn't far behind her so I just relaxed and enjoyed every second of this with her. 

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