Part 12 - Doctor Iblis

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I was unhappy about all this, but I know I don't have a choice. Prof wants to bring her old doctor from the asylum here to the hospital, I didn't want him anywhere near y/n but I know it's not my choice to make. I stood outside the hospital leaning on the collum before the steps. Prof stood with me as we waited for this doctor to arrive.

"Do we have to do this?" I complained, 

"She's my granddaughter, her health and how it is managed is my decision," He snapped back, 

I crossed my arms and pouted a little, 

After a while of waiting the black coach was pulled by the two black horses. The coach stopped outside and the door flew open, the scent of blood came with the man as he stepped out. He was tall, and thin, with well-shined black oxfords, tight black trousers with silver pinstripes, a black shirt with a white silk tie a white waistcoat and a blazer that matched his trousers, he had black hair slicked back with a greying streak down the front, a crocked smile and milky blue eyes. 

He stepped up the stairs and adjusted his cuffs a little, 

"Doctor Iblis," The professor greeted offering his hand,

Doctor Iblis shook his hand and smiled with a voice that sounded like he had a puddle of saliva in his mouth, "Pleasure to see you again Professor Mcgregor, and much as it pains me to return I am thrilled we can get back to our important work with Y/n," 

"As do I," He nodded, 

I moved forward and interrupted, "Doctor Dawkins," I offered my hand, 

He scoffed and took  a handkerchief from his pocket keeping it in his hand as he shook my own putting a barrier between us, "Who is this... vagabond?"

"Excuse me!" I glared taking my hand away, 

"This is Doctor Dawkins, one of our surgeons here." prof spoke up

"Ah a butcher dog," he scoffed, 

"Butcher dog!" I protest, 

"Gentleman." Prof stepped in, 

"Why is he joining us?"

"Doctor Dawkins is insisting-" 

"Insisting?" He laughed, "What are you going to do dog? leaches?"

"What are you gonna do? lock her up cause you come anywhere near her I will shove it back up your-"

"Gentlemen!" Prof interrupted, "You are both here for the best interest of my Grandaughter,"

"Of course," He nodded, 

"Yes sir," I nodded,

"And why pray to tell is this Surgeon so invested?"

"That's my business," I snapped, 

"Fine. Be that as it may. but do not interfere dog, let the doctors work." he said as him and the prof headed inside but I followed them, 

"I am a doctor too." 

"In the removal of limbs and lumps forgive me but I think the intricacies of the mind and its matters may be a bit much for you," he said adjusting his cuffs, "Would you be so kind as to prep her for my arrival," 

"Of course Doctor Iblis," Prof nodded as he headed off towards her room, 

"Tell me, where did you train?" He chuckled as we stopped in the hall, 

"Navy. Surgeons lieutenant," 

"Ahh I see. A man of action. not of books." he chuckled, "That may work in a field of knives and saws but... the mind, as I'm sure you'll understand is far more intricate, more fragile, its not something I can pry open and cut out what is unsavoury," 

"I am not a fool. I understand."

"Do you? Because I have spent my life studying the mind and even I am at times stumped by my patients," he explained, "Tell me... your interest in Y/n? be it personal or professional?"

"what's it to you?"

"I merely ask, failing to see other reasons why you have such interest." he chuckled, 

"Personal." I snapped, "Not that it's your business,"

"I see." He nodded, "She will never return such feelings." 

"How so?"

"she's completely Mad," He scoffed, 

"She's not mad. she's smart, and sweet, and kind, and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"Believe what you will. But I have known Y/n since she was a child. She is mad. and she needs her treatment so please if you do want what is best for her. Stay out of my way." he said before he heads towards her room,

I grit my teeth but followed him down. 

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