Part 3 - Granddaughter

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She gulped sheepishly before the doors to the morgue were forced open by the professor looking very angry and strangely sober, as soon as he forced the doors open she whined and hid behind me as if I was her shield, her little whines the only sound she made.

"Y/n! What are you doing here!" He yelled at her, but she only hid more, "Doctor Dawkins I must apologize for... any trouble she caused you."

"It's alright she wasn't any trouble,"

"Forgive her, she knows better." He said half scolding her with his words, "I can only apologize doctor dawkins, Y/n! you are not supposed to leave your room get back up there this instant!" He demanded grabbing her arm and trying to force her away, she whined and broke free from his grip coming and cuddling me tightly not wanting to let me go,

"Professor it's quite alright, she wasn't any trouble really. She can stay here with me I don't mind."

"That is very kind of you Doctor Dawkins But I must insist!" he said forcing her away from me,

"Wait, professor! She doesn't have to go I'm more than happy for her to stay if she wants to," I said but he ignored me,

He kept muttering scolds to her as he forced her out of the morgue into the arms of a passing nurse whom he demanded to take her back to her room, Y/n looked as sad as earlier almost crying she let out a sad little whine and gave me a sad little wave as the nurse forced her away.

"Forgive my grandaughter Doctor... she... she's innocent really, she doesn't mean any harm but- still I can only apologize for any trouble she caused you." he sighed leaning his arms on the table,

"She's your granddaughter?" I asked rather surprised,


"Well you have nothing to apologize for, she is a very sweet girl and she didn't cause me any trouble at all,"

"Thank you Doctor dawkins but still I must apologize for her... she's..." He began, "She's not well."

I nodded as I didn't want to push him even if his words worried me, He nodded and turned to the door but stopped shortly before,

"doctor Dawkins... If you could please in future, if you see her out of her room Please... Do not encourage her."

"Yes sir..." I nodded,

"She's not well. And it's safer... for everyone for her to be in her room," he said before he headed off leaving me alone.

I felt rather strange to hear she wasn't well, I wondered what that even meant... but I didn't want to push it. So I got on with my work. 

She's Not Well (The Artful Dodger) [TBS]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ