Part 9 - The Room

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I had seen Y/n fairly often and she never left my mind, she would always just pop down for some kisses and a cuddle in the morgue, or up to my room for the night but no matter how we saw one another she would always scamper away before Prof noticed she was gone. Which never gave us much time together even if I savoured every second of it. Prof did keep her on a very short lead, seriously guy drinks like a fish and can barely remember his own name let alone his patients most of the time but he keeps a watchful eye on Y/n like she was made of gold.

I had wondered around the hospital many times and decided to do so again tonight, I had been trying to find whatever room Prof keeps her in, at least if I can visit her maybe we can spent more time together, so I wondered the hospital corridors past the various doors and rooms I know well, I ended up down in the morgue as I had sort of been working top to bottom on the hospital over all these nights I was about ready to give up when I spotted a door down the corridor from the Morgue room between it and the stairwell, it was a heavy wooden door with many scratches and replaced parts, the doorknob had recently been removed the wood stain revealing its prior place, A lock on the outside with a heavy padlock that was covered in scratches. I knew those scratches well, as a life of thievery taught me not to leave them, someone had been picking this lock more than once, clearly someone not great at doing it leaving scratches and chipped mistakes.

I knocked on the door but no answer came, but my curiosity had already peaked.

I took my scalpel from my pocket and worked slowly and quietly to pick the lock, once it clicked open I pulled the padlock out and slowly crept into the room.

The room was... strange, clearly once an old stock room. But The walls had layers of wallpaper so much the walls seemed thick, The same pale cream wallpaper with lilac flowers coated the walls even if it had been ripped and broken revealing the layers underneath, The wooden floor covered in rugs and blankets giving it a slight bounce as I walked, The room was empty... With very little in the way of furniture, A small wardrobe built into the wall and the doors removed, a basket by the door, a small vanity table where all the corners had been rounded and the mirror broken beyond the ability to still use it but taped in place, a metal bathtub in the corner, A metal hospital bed filled with blankets and pillows, A small brown teddy bear sitting on the pillow. The small window was lined with thick metal bars like the morgue. A body knelt on the floor facing away from me, The room dark with a deep scent of blood in the air...

"Y/n?" I asked my fears slipping through for a moment,

The body shot me a look for a second I could have sworn I saw glowing eyes and a face of utter rage -

before My body was thrown backwards. 

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