Part 6 - Whoa!

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I sighed finishing up the surgery, I cleaned off my hands and headed out for a breather. I went down the corridor and out the door to the courtyard, the sun already setting across the sky, and some laundry hung up to dry around the courtyard, but as I got out there I noticed a strange sight. 

Across the way stood Y/n, in a long yellow skirt and white blouse with her usual boots, with her hair in a bun, she stood on the wall slowly walking taking little steps across the bricks high above the ground, her arms out to keep her balance, I couldn't help but chuckle at her seeing her so happy. 

I went over and gently caught her attention so as to not spook her,

"Hello you," I cooed and she smiled as she saw me jumping up and down and clapping her little hands in excitement, "Having fun up there?" I asked and she nodded, "come on, come down before you hurt yourself," I told her offering my hands she sighed and pouted, "I know I'm sure it's fun up there but I don't want you slipping and falling so come on," I told her, she only whines sadly, "Come on, come on down little duck." I told her, 

She smiled blushing a little when I called her that so she moved letting me set my hands on her waist as she set her own on my shoulders and I lifted her down,

"Whoa! there we go." I laughed as I helped her down and set her feet on the ground but neither of us removed our hands from each other, "There, all safe now."

she nodded and smiled nuzzling her nose into my neck,

"You are just... the cutest thing aren't you? You are just the most adorable little thing in the world," I cooed, wrapping my arms around her so we could have a little cuddle, but I noticed somehow her blouse had come untucked from her dress at the back so I laughed and tucked it back in for her, "Tuck in that tail little duck," I told her, "We don't want anyone seeing you now do we?"

She giggled and shook her head,

"You are so sweet," I smiled, 

she grabbed my hand and yanked me over to the stairs with her and we both took a seat on the stone steps, I chuckled a little seeing her so excited. I leaned my elbows against the steps and she came and laid her head on my shoulder, so I wrapped my arm around her and I kissed her head. She giggled and sighed happily as we cuddled watching the sun slowly set,

"Humm you are the perfect little pick me up after surgery Y/n," I smiled at her,

she giggled and looked up at me kissing my nose, 

"Awww, Come here little duck," I cooed pulling her in for a kiss, 

She let out a little moan of joy as our lips touched, and she happily kissed back so I stroked her hair and kissed her slowly and sweetly even if I never really wanted it to end, She pulled back with her usual smile and tapped my nose before she got up to leave but I got up too and held her arm,

"Hey, come on you don't need to go running off just yet, please... a little while longer little duck," I cooed rubbing my nose on hers, "Hey? won't you stay with me? just a little while longer?"

she looked so sad when I asked, she squeezed my hands tightly and I knew she wanted to stay but she couldn't risk getting in trouble, 

"I'm sorry... You go, I don't want you in trouble,"

She nodded sadly,

"But can I get a proper goodbye this time?" 

She smiled widely and nodded, she rested both her hands on my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss with her, I happily kissed her back even if she kissed so passionately it took my breath away a little, I wrapped my arms around her waist giving her a squeeze as our lips glide against one another until she pulled back rubbed the tip of my nose on hers and I smiled rubbing the tip of my nose on the bridge of hers before she gave me one more peck before she ran off inside, 

"whoa!" I gasped leaning on the railing for a second to get my breath back, "God damn little duck..."

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