Part 16 - Hey

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I laid in my bed, tossing and turning but I couldn't sleep. After a while I gave up and forced myself out of bed, I tugged my trousers on and simply snapped my suspenders over my shoulders. I lit a small candle and used it as my light to head out of my room and down into the hospital, the place was cold and quiet as usual for this time of night. a few lights on in the main entrance for emergencies but nothing else, I made sure not to make much noise as I passed the wards and headed down towards the morgue and Y/N's room. I went to her door and took a look at the lock and old smithen padlock, child's play. 

I soon picked the lock and headed inside the room seeing it much like the times I had before, I shut the door making sure to keep it closed tightly. And as I moved further in I saw her.

"Hey, Little duck?" 

Y/n lay in her bed in her little cotton nightie her hair in a sweet braid pinned up for the night, she saw my light and sat up in bed, she yawned and rubbed her eye before she smiled sleepily at me. 

"You are so cute," I cooed, "Room for one more?" 

She pulled open her sheets and opened her arms making little grabby hands at me, I smirked and blew out my candle, pealing my suspenders off and kicking my trousers onto the floor before crawling in with her, she giggled sweetly to be back in my arms and I sighed happily to have her back with me. We laid in her bed nose to nose, my arms around her waist, my hands on the small of her back, her hands on my chest, a small blush dusting her cheeks. 

We shared a few small kisses, and she began to drift off to sleep. But as I watched her eyes flutter I couldn't escape the thought in my mind,

"...You're not really dangerous," I began, "Are you?" The silence felt suffocating, "You wouldn't really hurt anyone would you little duck?" 

She stirred a little nuzzling her nose into my chest and it was only then I noticed her grip on me, her nails dug into my chest, her hands strong, part of me knew... she could. even if I didn't want to believe she ever would hurt me. 

"Hey, Y/n?" I gave her a gentle shake which woke her more her sweet eyes looking up at me, "Is he to be trusted? Doctor Iblis?" 

The moment I said his name her blood ran cold, her body began to tremble, 

"I know, I know you're scared of him. But... I need to know why little duck, why are you so scared of him? Should I trust him? Should I kick his butt to the curb? tell me... you know I only want what's best for you." 

She looked up at me for one of the few times I saw her being truly serious, she took my hand in hers and kissed my knuckles before she began to run her finger across my skin.

" you?" I whispered a shiver ran down my spine as she looked up at me and nodded, "Save you... from him?" 

she nodded, 

I sighed and held her tight, "I'll save you I promise, I'll keep you safe, I swear nothing is going to hurt you. Not with me around." I told her giving her a soft kiss, "You rest little duck, I'll look after you," 

She nodded and nuzzled closer, I ran my hand through her hair and kissed her head, 

"You're safe. I promise." 

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