Part 13 - Teddy Bear

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we stopped outside her door the professor drinking from his hipflask, as Doctor Iblis set his bag down beside the door snapping on a pair of gloves. I glared at him the whole time as he began to prep as if he were going to do a medical check on a lion.

"Is this necessary?" I glared, 

"Of course," he answered,"

"Really you need to protect yourself like you're wadding in a six-foot bog?" 

"Well excuse me if a gentleman like myself feels the need to be prepared." He said, turning to me his eyes flicked to my hands, "There are those of us who would prefer not to go digging through our patient's hands first like rabid dogs." 

I grit my teeth, "She is just a girl, not some wild animal you need to protect yourself from."

He rolled his eyes, "You may have affection for her, for reasons I can't fathom however... she is more dangerous than you know," 

"She would never hurt a fly she's the sweetest girl I've ever met,"

"Wouldn't she?" he smirked, "Alright Doctor Dawklin,"

"Dawkins." I corrected, 

"If you are so sure of her sweetness, of our safety as medical men." he chuckled, "But your money where your mouth is dog." He suggested, "If you can go in that room, touch her teddy bear and walk out again then fine you can be my second in all medical dealings in regard to Y/n."

"That's all?" I chuckled, rather surprised at such a small task but I was hardly going to reveal I've touched far more than her teddy bear, 

"That's all. But if you can't you are to leave me to my business without sticking your surgeon dog nose in. Do we have a deal?"

I scoffed a little, "You're lucky doctor Iblis, I'm a gambling man," I smirked offering my hand, 

He grimaced but shook it sealing our deal, "You first then doctor," 

I nodded and opened up the door to her room, there was a strange silence as if both Prof and Doctor Iblis were on edge as I unlocked the door the sound of the padlock and the metal locks in my hand echoed loudly in the quiet, The three of us headed inside and I saw the room much as I had days before, 

The walls still had layers of wallpaper so much the walls seemed thick, The same pale cream wallpaper with lilac flowers coated the walls even if it had been ripped and broken revealing the layers underneath, The wooden floor was covered in rugs and blankets giving it a slight bounce as I walked, The room was empty... With very little in the way of furniture, A small wardrobe built into the wall and the doors removed, a basket by the door, a small vanity table where all the corners had been rounded and the mirror broken beyond the ability to still use it but taped in place, a metal bathtub in the corner,  The small window was lined with thick metal bars like the morgue but the light far brighter this morning. The room was dark with a deep scent of chemicals in the air now as if the blood scent I smelt last time had been cleaned away. A metal hospital bed filled with blankets and pillows, A small brown teddy bear sitting on the pillow, and Y/n sat on the bed in a sweet little lilac dress her hair pulled back in a long braid and pinned up around her head, a book in her hand. 

The professor shut the door behind us but didn't lock it, 

Doctor Iblis simply smirked and gestured for me to lead, 

I rolled my eyes but moved further inside, 

Y/n didn't look up she just sat reading her book looking as adorable as usual, How could anyone be afraid of her? Say she was dangerous? Not y/n. Not my little duck. 

But I admit part of me was a little concerned, I know he's just being a dick, just trying to scare me but... I was a little worried about just what she could be capable of, as much as I hold affection for her I don't... really know her. I moved closer sheepishly and once I was close enough I leant down a little so my eyes and hers could meet,

she looked up from the book and a wide smile broke across her lips, she set her book down and clapped her hands excitedly as she always does, I almost awwed and had to hold back my blush at just how sweet she was. 

"Hello you," I cooed, 

She took my hands and pulled me quickly to sit on the bed with her, she saw the professor and she moved sheepishly away from me afraid of getting in trouble but then she saw Doctor Iblis.

Her sweet little face contorted with fear, her eyes wide and full of tears, she let out a sound almost a scream as she tucked her feet up, kneeling on the bed and hiding behind me her grip on me so tight it almost hurt, as she hid behind me like I was her shield. 

"I must admit, she does seem to be far more comfortable with Doctor Dawkins than she is with you doctor Iblis," The professor explained, 

"Sometimes medicine needs to be uncomfortable," He snapped, 

"But a patient should always feel at peace with their doctor," I smirked back at him,

"regardless." Doctor Iblis snapped, "We have our deal doctor,"

"Yes we do," I nodded, I turned my attention to the brown teddy bear sitting on the bed.

I went to take but she Y/n stopped me taking my hand in hers and pulling me away, she shook her head and seemed panicked, 

"It's okay," I reassure her, 

I went to take the bear but she stopped me again her look more serious her grip on my arm tight,


Doctor Iblis chuckled,

I ignored him and held her hand giving it a soft squeeze, "It's okay, it's just me, you trust me don't you?" I asked her and she relaxed a little, "I'll be gentle, I promise," I told her stroking her cheek, she began to tremble with fear but I moved my arm and for a second I held my breath as her grip on my arm tightened.

Until I grabbed the bear and pulled the soft brown bear between us, the moment I had it in my hand I breathed and so did she, I held the little bear and chuckled a little as I saw both the professor and Doctor Iblis shocked,

"That- that's not horrible... how did he- How-" He complained, "The last person I saw touched that bear she - how did she let you..."

"Becuase she trusts me," I smiled, "He's a very nice teddy bear y/n, I see why you like him, here you go little duck you can have him back now," I told her offering her the bear, 

She smiled widely and took the bear hugging it to her chest with a tear in her eye, I was about to speak but she hugged me tightly so I smiled and hugged her back giving her head a little kiss, "Awww you are so sweet," I cooed,

"Ridicious!" Doctor Iblis complained as he stormed out the proffessor chasing aftert him,

I rolled my eyes but I gave her lips a kiss, "I'll be back in a moment little duck,"

She nodded and squeezed my hand so I squeezed it back and headed out shutting the door behind me, 

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