Part 17 - I said No!

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I happily took Y/n out to the courtyard this morning, doctor Iblis had some plan I wasn't privy to but I was sure the sunshine would do her good. We had a seat on the stairs together while he sorted... whatever it was he was doing. She giggled happily as she drew some pictures in her little book. 

"What are you drawing there?" I asked tightening my arm around her so I could see her book, as I peered over I saw she was working on drawing the courtyard, with all the intricate bricks and stonework of the hospital walls. "Ooohh that's a very good little duck," I chuckled giving her temple a little kiss, "Maybe you could make me a nice little drawing?" 

She nodded excitedly and started on a new drawing, 

"Right perfect," Doctor Iblis nodded to the nurses who had been setting things up, 

So I actually looked up and paid attention to what on earth he was doing, seeing a few buckets of water laid out in the courtyard. "What... uhh what is all this?"

"This is therapy."

"... it looks like you have a bunch of buckets?" I questioned, 

"It will to an untrained eye." He glared,

"Well explain it to me,"

"You won't understand,"

"I'm a surgeon. Don't insult me. and if you can't explain it to me then clearly you don't understand it either." I told him, 

Which made Y/n giggle,

"Isn't that right little duck?" I asked and she nodded so I kissed her cheek, 

"Don't do that,"


"Don't do that," he demanded, "You know what,"

"what giving her love and affection?" I smiled, "She loves it, and it makes her happy why would I stop?"

"Becuase it is interfering with my therapy," he snapped grabbing her wrist and trying to pull her away from me forcing her book to the floor, but I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her back down to sit on my leg, 

"You never explained it to me," I told him as she cuddled up with me with a wide smile on her lips,

"Fine," he sighed, "Here we have three buckets."

"I see that."

"One of these is hot water that has been on the boil for the last ten minutes and left to cool but is still hot," he explained showing one bucket which was steaming still, "This one is cold water with ice from the morgue,"

"Moruge ice?"

"Don't interrupt dawkins." he sighed, "and this is basic room temperature,"

"Right... you planning on doing some candle dipping? cause honestly I think y/n would kinda enjoy that," I nodded,

"No! This is behavioural therapy not a craft club," he glared, "No we use the waters to affect her behavior. Cold water is punishment, hot water is reward, tempid is nothing. now come on we need to get to work," He said grabbing her wrist and forcing her up,

"whoa! whoa! whoa!" I stopped him standing between them, "You mean to tell me, you plan on burning her skin as a reward?"

"It's not hot enough to burn her,"

"and cold to punish her?"

"The cold water -"



"I said No!"

"This is her therapy we did it every week at the hospital,"

"well, you're not doing it here." 

"why not! there have been many studies showing that behaviour adjustment therapy using this method had great results -"

"I don't care you not hurting her."

"It won't hurt her." 

"It has ice! that water has ice it will hurt her." 

"It's not like I'm shoving her head in it. just a mere splash that's all." 

"If it's so safe. Stick your hand in it fully. for as long as you can bear."

"I don't have to-"

"Do it! or she is not going anywhere," 

"Fine," he glared, going over and kneeling on the stone putting his hand into the water, the moment he did he gasped, pain in his eyes, his body trembled, but he pulled his hand, "See. fine."

"Now the hot."


"Now. the. hot." I repeated, "If it's safe for her it's safe for you,"

"This is ridiculous!"

"I am not letting you hurt her!"

"It won't hurt her." 

"I am not letting you slash her with hot water that you have BOILED! until you willingly stick your hand in it and prove to me it won't burn her." 

He didn't answer,

"Go on! Prove it's safe for her. Prove that water won't burn her and you can run your stupid therapy."

 He glared at me and put his hand over the hot bucker the steam rising up into his hand already making it tremble, "I- I can't,"

"You can't or you won't?"

"I can't. It will burn my hand." he admitted,

"I thought it might," I nodded,

"But its-

"No. I am not letting you hurt her."

"You said you would let me work. Do what has to be done even if it made you uncomfortable,"

"This is different -"

"This is therapy,"

"This is cruel!" I shouted, "And I will not allow this to happen." I told him as I pulled Y/n into my chest holding her tightly, 

"Are you demanding this... going against my recommendations as her doctor."

"Yes, I am."

"Do you deny it? As her doctor? or as her betrothed?" 

I sighed, "Both." I answered, "I will not see her in pain,"

"she has to be in pain. To get better."

"...Fine." I sighed, "I will allow it, but! you wait for that water to cool down." I told him and he nodded, "And... you do it to me too."

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