Yhs in oddly specific roles in a AU

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(March 10th)

As the title says.

The Yhs characters (Possibly the krew as well) as oddly specific roles in a fantasy/forestcore/Knightcore/steampunk type of world world world 👍

(Enjoy reading my thought process after eating melatonin because I only write when I'm supposed to be asleep)

She would be the Queen but (if this becomes a one shot or fanfic) in the actual universe she would have JUST became Queen.
Gold as a ruler would be the type to always plan ahead, always making sure things are going her way (it's her way or the highway). When she first becomes queen she doesn't show a lot of effort, mostly because of nervousness or background planning but once she starts to gain more confidence over time she begins to show more appearances in the village and try to communicate with the townspeople, since it was one thing her father never did or let anyone in his castle do when he still ruled the kingdom. I can imagine her having banquets more often since they were always her favorite thing because she got to meet so many new people from different areas of the region they lived in, even if those people are nice, having access to those banquets they'd have an easier way to ambush which would be a weak spot for Gold since it wouldn't be something she'd think about.
(Before I cause confusion Golds kingdom is called "Lendorr")

I'm torn between making her a part of Golds family/in a royal family OR make her an outlaw

(March 11⬇️)
Screw it I'm making her an outlaw in some type of way
Funneh would be a runaway princess from her old kingdom "Dalerin". She never like her parents and how they ruled the kingdom.. a crime on every coin that walked through the streets of Dalerin. she didn't want to become queen eventually either because of the fear of getting her head cut off when it was released to the public so she ran away in the night. She stole her brothers(Draco) clothing to disguise herself since she only ever had dresses, she also cut her hair so it would get caught on something or grabbed by someone. Once she was fully disguised she fled into the woods to never be seen in Dalerin again. She had taught herself to survive for 4 years until she discovered a nearby kingdom call "Lendorr". Her parents never taught her about other regions and villages so naturally it fascinated her, she decided she wanted to learn more about the kingdom and it's culture so she explored it for a bit during the night just so she could get a good idea of where everything was without people in the way but them the next time she goes to the kingdom she gose durning the day and she would call herself Funneh and claim she was an adventurer that grew all her life in the woods but she was actually 'Falice, the princesses of Dalerin' in secret, she was lucky enough to not have to tell people about her title because she tended to only visit when she needed food or a roof to sleep on when sleeping in the middle of the woods was too dangerous.

(Hehe, My fantasy/forestcore/medieval addiction go BRRRRRR)

Kyran is a normal townsperson in the kingdom of Lendorr with his parents (Oli smith, Lauren smith) and his younger brother Lucas/Lu and he works as a florist in his mothers flower shop

One day when Kyran was working around the shop, a women who looked like she worked at the castle had stepped in and was asking for a florist to help decorate the ballroom for Golds banquet that was to celebrate her becoming queen. Kyrans mom talked Kyran into being the one to go since he would be able to move around better and Mrs. Smith had started to become quite sick at the time anyway so it would be for the best.

When Kyran had first arrived at the castle with the flowers that Gold would want he was nervous and scared to see how she would react because he never really paid much attention to the royal family unless it was something very serious so he never really knew what type of person Gold would be but all the anxiety went away when he saw her and he could already feel himself fall In love, he was luckily able to hide it since he was really good at putting on a fake face from negotiating with customers at the flower shop. And basically Kyran helps out with showing flowers to the lovely queen Gold and the decorating goes well, and since the decorating goes so well that Gold saw potential in Kyran to work at the castle as an assistant for her or someone who worked in the garden, So Gold offered the job to him after all the decorating was done. Kyran was very unsure of it because he wanted to keep helping his mother at the flower shop but if he worked at the castle he'd get to know the queen better and the pay would be a lot better and could help his mothers sickness (ooo foreshadowing I luv it). Kyran told Gold that he would think about it and rushed home to tell his family about it and ask them for advice but....

(Slight trigger warning possibly: Teen pregnancy, speaking about forcing abortion and small mention of death)
Mrs. Smith AKA Lauren Smith AKA Kyran and Lucas's mom:

As you saw in Kyrans story Lauren and her husband Oli own a flower shop but, before the peaceful life of making bouquets and growing flowers, she had quite the rocky start in the beginning.

Lauren had originally grown up in a more richer family, not as rich as the royal but enough for them to be recognized. With that money it also tended to make Laurns parents more strict and feel the need to pressure her to be perfect or to always make big numbers.

The way her family was rich was because they owned a big and lovely farm that Lauren was supposed to take over with her "ideal" husband in the future, her parents basically fully planned out her future for her before she knew letters were in math.

But since she was "Destined to be perfect", there was more chaotic turns in her high school years.. such as teenage pregnancy.

(Hold up you're pitchforks all you want but you can't say this DIDN'T happen in the original series because we never know her story and it's discontinued anyway and I don't think the Krew gives a care in the world in what we do w the characters now)

When Lauren's mother found out about it she was furious and threatened to throw Lauren out of the will and make her get an abortion, obviously Lauren was upset because she had a lot of determination and with that, that means she was VERY determined to have the baby.

After Lauren and her mother had a giant argument, she hid away in her room but after a while she heard a knock at her window and it was her favorite person (Aka the father), Oli had walked all the way from the more populated and busy village, all the way to the lone farm that was probably a 3 hour walk all the way from the kingdom.

The reason Oli came was to ask Lauren if she would run away with Oli to live a peaceful a peaceful life together and Lauren agreed. They ran away together for a quite a while, her mother didn't even try to look for her since her mother never like Lauren anyway.

Obviously when you hate someone you have to see them again atleast once more eventually so, after Lauren's father passed away and her mother was retired, her mom couldn't take care of the farm at all because of old age and her mom didn't want to see generations of hard work be sold away. That meant she had to write Lauren a note that was about begging her to come back and takeover the farm since she was in the will anyway.

After Lauren agreed she had moved back onto the farm but this time with her now husband Oli and her (at the time) toddler she named 'Kyran'

After a year of comments on Oli and how incompetent Kyran was, small arguments about what Lauren was doing with the farm.. Lauren had enough and sold the farm to the king of Lendorr (the kingdom they were in). Lauren's mother was obviously furious when she found out and it broke out a giant argument but soon ended in a pass away the next morning of her mother. Lauren's mother had passed away in her sleep after the argument, the cause of it was unknown but it didn't matter to Lauren because she was too focused on moving to the village.

Oli and Lauren bought a lovely cottage in a local part of the village and Oli was always out for work to make a few extra coins, meanwhile while with Lauren, she was busy growing flowers with the seeds she brought with her and after they fully grew she would male lovely bouquets with whatever she could find then sold them to the public. Since the florist business was so popular Lauren and Oli were able to start a flower shop together and with their son (Ky).

Thank you for reading

I might do a part 2 to this because I've been addicted to fantasy stuff recently and I've been binging Pricklyalpaca on youtube (She makes all kinds of fairy core decor and clothing)

If you have any suggestions on any character to make a fantasy AU version of, please comment and I'll try to come up w a story for them at some point.😎

YHS brainrot Aka Headcanons/incorrect Quotes And Possibly Other Stuff💀👍Where stories live. Discover now