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YEEEEE (These are probably more controversial then my other stuff :,) take it all w a grain of salt ATLEAST pls)

Kyran screaming like a girl? NAHHHH he screams like a tea kettle.

Alec is a year younger then Kyran but like an inch or two taller.

Lucas dye's his hair constantly, w the help of Kyran.

Alec's hair reaches till his shoulders. It's also really spiky and kinda thin so it's easy to hide it under his hood.

The last time Alec put his hood down, Kyran came behind him with scissors and chopped the long part of his hair off because it was horrendous looking.

Prince hates coffee

Evan is DEATHLY allergic to shrimp/crabs/lobster's.

Ali REALLY wants a pet dog but she is allergic :( (not as much as Evan, her nose just gets stuffy but she hates having a stuffy nose)

Funneh's pet rabbit got eaten by the pig class pet :| (From season 1 episode 3)

Kyran was a accidental valentines day experiment. LOOK- BEFORE YOU COME AT ME, LISTEN. Why else would Kyran have 7 siblings??? (YES I COUNTED) TELL ME, I DARE YOU.

Felicia is the type of girl to change her aesthetic every month.

Sometimes Funneh and Gold can talk perfectly in sync.

Evan listens to Nirvana, Artic monkeys and Franz Ferdinan.

Alec has an unhealthy addition to fried pickles (Honestly same.)

YHS brainrot Aka Headcanons/incorrect Quotes And Possibly Other Stuff💀👍Where stories live. Discover now