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*plops a golden retriever puppy on the table*
Mr. Draco: BUCK the vocab mascot to encourage you to do you're BUCKING vocab.
Mr. Draco: If you don't do you're bucking vocab and WE LOOSE THE VOCAB BOWL-
Mr. Draco: I kill the dog


Kyran: I told Alec that his ears turn red when he lies.
Funneh: Why did you do that?
Kyran: So I could do this-
Kyran: -Alec! Do you love us?
Alec while covering his ears: No


(Alec and Evan just sitting together for the first time and chilling until Alec starts trauma dumping)
Alec: One time I was trying to do a kick flip on my skateboard but then I face planted into the concrete.
Evan: 👀
Alec: no one was around and all the kids around laughed at me when I realized I broke my nose.
Evan: 👁👄👁
Alec: Then I ran inside to find my mom but she wasn't home so I had to find my dad while I was crying.
Evan: Uh-
Alec: Then when I finally found him, he was making out with my babysitter half nude-
Evan: Al-
Alec: then the babysitter ran out of the house while looking like a raw turkey in embarrassment and got ran over by my mom who was driving. Then my parents were fighting and still didn't notice my bleeding and very broken nose until after all my mom stormed out but since my parents only have one car at the time my mom had to take me to the hospital as she is crying and completely furious and she probably wanted to crash the car at the moment but she didn't want to kill me.
Alec: :D
Evan sitting in disbelief: 😨


Kyran half asleep: You can't be a bad bitch AND care about him, Because if you're a bad bitch that cares about an ex, you're not a bad bitch because the only thing a bad bitch cares about is being a bad bitch.
Funneh: Ky, it's 3 IN THE MORNING-
Gold: Wait, wait- he's got a point.

Evelyn: Funneh, how dare you doubt my knowledge.
Evelyn: Just by sniffing you're breath I can tell that you have been eating...
Evelyn: An entire.. tube of.. toothpaste..?
Funneh : It was so glittery...


Alec: Realistically, do you think that me and you could be like- lovers??
Kyran looking up from his phone: ...
Kyran: Theres no way..
Alec: I think if you worked on-
Kyran: Me, worked?
Alec: Yea-
Kyran: What am I working on??
Alec: Relationships are work, everyone's gotta work a little bit.
Kyran: Okay.
Alec: I guess if you just worked on... y'know- uhm..
Kyran: what about the positives? Can we list the positives first?
Alec: Oh- I can name all the positives but, we'd be here all day-
Kyran: Oh yeah, you're just trying to dig yourself out of you're hole!!
Alec: No no-! I'm not dogging anything out of anything-!
Kyran while throwing one of the pillows: You're sleeping on the couch.


Prince: So you don't read sheet music..?
Evan: Yup! I play everything by ear.
Alec: Play rondo alla turca.
Evan Okay. *insert Evan playing the song*
Alec: Alright, now play it like its 1968 and we work in advertising.
*insert cool piano music again.*
Prince: Wow, he really can do anything.
Evan: any more requests?
Alec: Can you have my dad tell me hes proud of me?
Evan getting flashbacks to earlier in the chapter: What?
Alec: You can play anything right?
Alec: I want you.. to play my dad telling me hes proud of me...
Prince: Geez-
Evan: Well- uhm.. I guess I can just- *Presses one of the keys.*
The key: I'm Proud of you son✨


YHS brainrot Aka Headcanons/incorrect Quotes And Possibly Other Stuff💀👍Where stories live. Discover now