Quotes and random picture's

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Alec: Stop looking at me like that
Kyran: Like what?
Alec: You always make that face when you about to say something stupid.
Kyran: I love you
Alec: ...
Kyran: ...
Kyran: Cereal also qualifies as a soup.
Alec slamming the table: I KNEW IT!

(Why dose Kyran seem like the type to flirt with Alec for fun but when it comes to someone he actually likes hes a stuttering mess💀 I can see Alec being similar in a way-


Gold: You seem like someone who would fall in love with someone who gives you the bare minimum..
Kyran: W-WHAT?? HeheheThat's so... silly- hehahah- i mean- 
✨imagine that✨



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Evan, Alec and Kyran in a nutshell-

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Evan, Alec and Kyran in a nutshell-

I just realized I should write more about Prince- hes just so plain compared to everyone else taste🤚😭



YHS brainrot Aka Headcanons/incorrect Quotes And Possibly Other Stuff💀👍Where stories live. Discover now