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"Joder, estoy tan jodidamente caliente", I puffed out as I removed my shirt and shorts to leave me in my bikini (Fuck, I'm so fucking warm).

"We're in Ibiza babe, what did you expect?", my boyfriend, Matteo, said to me as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I internally rolled my eyes, lightly pulling myself from his grip to splash some water on my face. You'd think after living in Barcelona for a few years I'd be used to the heat, I'm not.

"Let's go to the pool yeah? The girls are waiting for us", I said grabbing his hand as I walked us through the villa and out the back to the pool.

"There she is, catch", Lucy said throwing me and Matteo a tin of beer. I thanked her before opening it and taking a sip. I placed myself on the edge of the pool and dipped my legs in. I placed my sunglasses over my face and closed my eyes, soaking in the sun.

"What were you 2 up to?", Alexia asked as I shook my head.

"Not what you're thinking", I said without looking over to her.

"Unfortunately", I heard Matteo joke and I had to hold back the groan wanting to leave my mouth. I love him, I do, but sometimes I just, you know? Would rather not have his voice chirping in my ear?

"So what's the plans for today?", Ingrid asked as she was settled in between Mapis legs who was sitting on the edge of the pool with Lucy and Keira in the same position. I smiled to myself at the sight, I'd never tell any of them this, but they're cute together. Lucky for me, Alexia's girlfriend couldn't make it. I know what you're thinking, yes I have a boyfriend but sometimes it's nice to be round the girls you know?

"Drinking", I said as I gestured for Lucy to throw me another drink.

"Leah and Beth and some of their friends should be landing soon, maybe we could meet them?", Keira suggested as there were a few murmurs of agreement.

"Perfect, let's get drunk here then get drunk more at the beach", I said as I lowered myself into the pool.

"You're going to give yourself liver poisoning by the end of this trip", Mapi scolded.

"Who doesn't end up with liver poisoning after being in Ibiza?", I said tilting my head as she rolled her eyes. These girls have been my only family after I told them both my parents are dead. Spoiler alert: they're not, but they don't need to know that. My mum left when I was young and my dad, well, we don't talk about him. Way too much trauma. Mapi and Ingrid also know everything, part of the reason they're so protective over me. Lucy and Keira have that protective spell too, but not for the same reasons. The only other person who knows is back in England. Once I left for Barcelona I kind of ghosted her. It wasn't my intention, but knowing she knows everything about me didn't sit right with me. She was my best friend and I'll always feel horrible for ignoring her. She only found out because she found my old passport with my old name and she figured it out because of the news articles that everyone knows and could never forgot about.

"So what offers have you received then? We know your contract is up", Alexia asked making me laugh and shake my head. I've asked my agent to hold off on telling me the offers until I'm back from Ibiza.

"I'll find out my offers when I'm back from Ibiza", I said opening another beer.

"You'll stay in Spain though right?", Matteo asked as the girls glanced at each other.

"Haré lo que me dé la gana", I muttered under my breath as he furrowed his brows at me (I'll do whatever the fuck I want).

"What? You know I don't speak Spanish", he said.

"She said she's not sure yet", Ingrid said to him before glancing at me.

"You're whole life is in Spain, Liv", Matteo said. Translation: 'I'm in Spain'. Honestly I'm surprised he even wanted to stay in the same villa with my friends because he doesn't like when all my attention isn't on him.

"Let's talk about something else yeah?", Keira said as I nodded at her gratefully.

"When's your friends getting here Luce?", I asked her as I swam over to Ingrid and Mapi and rested my head on Ingrids shoulder.

"They're on their way to the hotel which isn't far from here, said they'd meet us at the beach in an hour", Lucy said before her, Keira and Alexia started talking to Matteo.

"¿Estás bien?", Mapi asked placing a quick kiss to my head (Are you okay?).

"Sí, solo quiero disfrutar del tiempo libre antes de tomar una gran decisión", I sighed as Ingrid wrapped her arm around my shoulder (Yes, I just want to enjoy the time off before making a big decision).

"Te apoyaremos, lo que sea que decidas", Ingrid said as I melted into her (We'll support you, whatever you decide).

"Estamos orgullosos de ti", Mapi whispered as I pulled away from the 2 of them (We're proud of you).

"Are you 2 trying to make me cry today or what?", I laughed as they rolled their eyes.

"Typical Liv, ruining the moment", Mapi joked.

"You know I hate getting serious", I said holding my hands up.

"Yeah we know", Ingrid said before Lucy interrupted us.

"Leah just texted, they just got to their hotel so we should probably get ready", Lucy said as we all got out of the pool and quickly dried ourselves off. I walked to mine and Matteo's room and picked a one piece to throw over my bikini.

"I didn't know you were planning on leaving?", he said as he closed over the door.

"I haven't made a decision, I don't even know my options yet", I sighed as he ran a hand over his face.

"Well you can't just leave, Liv", he said as I raised my brow at him defensively.

"And why the hell not?", I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"I moved here for you", he said like it was obvious making me scoff and let out a laugh that was humourless.

"Bullshit! You only moved here because of a promotion and I just happened to be here!", I shouted as both of us started to raise our voices.

"I'm your family, Liv! How could you just walk out on that!", he shouted back.

"No! You're not my family, those girls out there are my family! If you were my family you wouldn't be holding me back!", I scoffed.

"So you are leaving?", he said as his voice lowered.

"Me está tomando todo lo que hay en mí para no golpearte la cabeza contra la pared", I said pinching the bridge of my nose (It is taking everything in me not to slam your head into the wall).

"English, Liv", he said as I let out a sigh.

"Let's talk about this after the holiday okay? They're waiting for us", I said grabbing my phone.

"Fine, whatever", he said as he opened the door and we walked through to the kitchen.

"Ready to go?", Keira asked. I could tell they noticed the tension but they didn't bring it up.

"Yep", I said grabbing the bottle of wine on the table and making my way to the door. I heard everyone following behind me as I opened the bottle and took a swig.

"You should slow down, Liv", Matteo said to me as I rolled my eyes.

"So not only do you want to dictate where I live, but you also want to dictate what I drink?", I rhetorically asked as he sent a glare my way before walking off.

A/N - everything is from google translate so it could be wrong.

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