Night out

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"We're going out tonight and I need your help", I said frantically into the phone as I searched through my wardrobe in a towel.

"We've got you, what do you need?", Ingrid said through the phone.

"I need- wait, we?", I asked as Mapi, Alexia, Lucy, and Keira popped their heads into the frame. "Right, okay", I muttered as I continued to look through my wardrobe.

"Okay so, option 1, this short black dress, option 2, this skirt and cropped top, or option 3, these baggy jeans with the white laced top and heels", I said flipping the camera around to show them the clothes on my bed.

"Jeans and top", they all agreed as I nodded.

"Thanks guys"

"So how's London treating you?"

"Really good actually, I've become closer with a few of the girls, they're great"

"We're glad, Liv, we watched your match against Chelsea, nice goal"

"Are you surprised?"

"Cocky much?"

"No, just honest"

"So how is you and Williamson-"

"Bye", I said hanging up the phone. I don't want to have that conversation and end up ruining my night. I already had my hair done and applied some makeup so I only had to get dressed. Once I was done, I put on some jewellery and sprayed perfume before walking into my kitchen and pouring myself a glass of wine.

I was waiting on Katie, Caitlin, and Less who all lived in the same building as me. After just finishing my glass of wine and scrolling through my phone, there was a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it and let the girls in.

"Wine?", a chorus of yes was heard as I poured the 4 of them a glass and opened a new bottle.

"Uber will be here in 30 minutes and this bottle will be empty by then", Katie said as we all clinked our glasses. We talked about our upcoming games until Katie's phone pinged signalling the Uber was here.

Caitlin got in the front while the 3 of us climbed in the back. I was feeling a little tipsy after the wine and clearly the rest of them were too. We pulled up at the club and payed the driver before making our way inside. We made our way to the table we booked and seen the rest of the girls.

"Last ones to arrive buy the first round, that's the rules", Beth smirked as the 4 of us just scowled and made our way to the bar. We just ordered vodka lemonades for everyone and also a shot of tequila.

"Tequila? Really?"

"I can take yours if you don't want to McCabe", I said jokingly as she rolled her eyes. We made our way back to the table and set the drinks down before taking a seat. I noticed Jordan and Leah were sat beside each other and I was trying my best to ignore it.

"Are they like together or something?", I asked Less.

"They were, but it became messy, I'm not sure what's happening now to be honest, Liv", Less said as I nodded.

"She told me in Ibiza that they were friends with benefits", I said as I took my shot and took a big gulp of my drink.

"If you don't want anyone to know you like her, you should tone down the jealousy", Less teased as I rolled my eyes.

"I can't help it, plus I haven't figured out if I like her or not, it could just be lust"

"I doubt it"

"You're an ass, I need another drink", I said leaving the table and heading to the bar. I ordered another vodka lemonade and a shot and waited for the bartender to make it. I took the shot and sipped on the drink, deciding to sit at the bar for a while until Rihanna played through the speakers and I went to dance.

I was drunk so I didn't mind dancing by myself. I had my drink in one hand as I swayed my hips to try beat until I felt someone behind me.

"You're beautiful", a man said as I turned around and looked at him. He wasn't bad looking, but he wasn't Leah. Damn it, Liv, stop thinking about Leah. I looked over to our table and locked eyes with Leah, she was already looking at me. Good. I wrapped my free hand round his neck while keeping eye contact with Leah. I could see the slight clench in her jaw as I smirked and turned my attention back to him. He moved his hands to my waist as he leaned in and so did I. Our lips connected, it was fast and rough and quite frankly, not a great kiss but I knew Leah was watching so I didn't care. Once I pulled away, I told him I needed to go back to my friends. I went to the bar and got another drink before heading back to the table.

"Leah's face was a picture when you kissed that guy", Less said into my ear making me smirk. "What are you doing though, Liv?"

"I don't know, seeing her with Jordan fucking winds me up", I huffed taking a sip from my drink.

"You 2 seriously need to have a conversation, not tonight though", Less said as I nodded.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be 2 minutes", I said to the group.

"Don't talk to strangers!", Jen shouted making me laugh.

Once I got to the toilet and done my business, I walked out to wash my hands when the door opened and Leah walked in. She didn't say anything.

"Have you got something to say or are you just going to stare at me?", I said as I grabbed some paper towels and dried my hands.

"What the hell was that?"

"You'll have to be a bit more specific, Williamson"

"Kissing that guy"

"Sorry, am I not allowed?"

"Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"That's rich coming from you when you've been all over Jordan"

"There's nothing for you to be jealous over, you told me you hated me so why do you care, hmm?"

"I don't"

"Oh but I think you do, what game are you playing, De La Cruz?", Leah smirked which just pissed me off.

"This isn't a fucking game anymore, Leah, I'm not doing this with you", I said going to leave but she blocked my way to the door.

"What's the matter with you? Seriously", Leah asked confused as I ran my hands through my hair angrily.

"You don't fucking get it do you, Williamson? These past few weeks have been nothing but a head fuck for me, I'm confused about how I'm feeling and it's your fault and you and Jordan are- I don't fucking know what you are but it's helped me realise that the feeling isn't mutual so I don't fucking like you, I can't", I said with tears in my eyes as she just looked at me stunned. I pushed past her out of the toilets and bumped into the guy from the dance floor. I'm drunk and I need something.

"Want to get out of here?", I blurted as he smiled at me.

"Sure", he said as he led me out of the bar and we got an Uber to his place.

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