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"Leah, Beth!", Keira shouted to a group of people down the beach. I was sipping on the bottle of wine in my hands and Matteo was no where in sight.

"Hey Keira, Lucy", Leah greeted them both soon followed by Beth.

"I'm sure you're all familiar but this is Katie, Caitlin, Viv, Steph, Lia, and Jen", Beth said introducing everyone.

"Of course, this is Alexia, Mapi, Ingrid, and Liv, as I'm sure you already know", Lucy laughed making me roll my eyes.

"En serio, dispárame en la cara", I muttered as Mapi nudged me and glared at me (Seriously shoot me in the face).

Leah turned her gaze to me for the first time as she looked at me head to toe. I glared at her and her obvious attempt at checking me out before I took another sip from my bottle and laid down on one of the sun loungers.

"Sé que tu novio está siendo un imbécil, pero eso no significa que puedas ser uno para nosotros", Mapi whispered to me so the others wouldn't hear (I know your boyfriend is being an asshole, but it doesn't mean you can be one to us).

"Muérdeme, Mapi", I smirked before taking another sip of my wine making her sigh (Bite me).

"Who's up for a game of volleyball then?", the Irishwoman who I know as Katie asked.

"Por favor, estoy a punto de dormir después de esas presentaciones", I said setting the wine down and standing up (Please, I'm on the verge of sleeping after those introductions).

"Liv", Lucy scolded as I smiled innocently at her.

"English?", Leah smirked at me as I rolled my eyes. I hate her already.

"¿Qué hay de divertido en eso?", I said crossing my arms (What's the fun in that?).

"English, Liv. Or no more alcohol", Ingrid said as she jokingly pointed a finger at me.

"Whatever", I muttered.

"Right, well, how about me, Leah, Steph, Lia, Caitlin, Alexia and Ingrid in a team, and Liv, Lucy, Katie, Viv, Beth, Mapi, and Jen in a team?", Keira said as we all nodded in agreement.

"Right well, what are we all standing about for?", I asked as Alexia nudged me and we all got in our teams and stood either side of the net.

"Losers buy the other team drinks?", I suggested with a smirk as they all agreed. I glanced over at Leah who gave me a seductive wave making me roll my eyes and flip her off.

"Stop flirting you 2 and get your heads in the game", Beth said as I let out a scoff.

"Yeah, she wishes", I said as Leah smirked at me.

"Relax, sweetheart", she teased and I wanted nothing more than to knock the smug look off her face.

"I'll show you sweetheart-"

"Alright that's enough, let's just play yeah?", Ingrid said as she placed a hand on my chest and pushed me back. I noticed Leah smirking as I narrowed my eyes at her.

The game started and it was fun at first, but me and Leah were facing each other and I started to become more competitive. Both teams were drawing and whoever got this point won. Me and Leah were basically the only ones in the game at this point as the girls just watched.

I eventually managed to get the point for us to win as I threw my arms up in the air and celebrated.

"Ha! Fuck you, Williamson", I said flipping her off with both fingers as she smirked at me.

"I can arrange that if you want me to, De La Cruz", Leah said smugly as I felt my anger rising. By the smirk on her face she loved getting under my skin.

"¿Estás bromeando, joder? ¿Qué le pasa a esta chica?", I said towards my Barcelona teammates as they just shrugged (Are you fucking kidding me? What's wrong with this girl?).

"Ella está coqueteando contigo porque sabe que te molesta, idiota", Alexia said as I scoffed (She's flirting with you because she knows it annoys you, idiot).

"Es una zorra", I huffed to them as they shook their heads (She's a bitch).

"Oh I know that one, she called you a bitch, Le", Katie said smirking as Leah raised a brow at me.

"Foul words for such a pretty mouth", Leah said teasingly as I glared at her.

"Urgh! Fuck off, Williamson!", I said angrily as I made my way to the bar.

"Creo que Liv ha conocido a su pareja", Lucy joked to the Barcelona girls (I think Liv has met her match).

I sat down at the bar and ordered myself a sex on the beach and watched the bartender make it. He set it down in front of me and before I could pay, someone tapped their card against the machine.

"I owe you a drink don't I? Fair is fair", Leah said as she sat down beside me and leaned on the bar with her elbow. I took the drink and ignored her presence, hoping she would go away but she didn't.

"Can I help you?", I snapped as she just stared at me.

"Sorry, I thought this was a public bar? Are you saving this seat for somebody or-"

"What's your problem?", I scoffed as I asked the bartender for another drink.

"I just love getting under your skin, you make it so easy", she said as she paid for my drink again before I could.

"Stop doing that! Retrocesa antes de que te tire a este bar!", I said angrily as she smirked at me (Back off before I throw you over this bar). "And stop flirting with me, I have a boyfriend", I said taking a sip of my drink but me having a boyfriend clearly didn't phase her.

"A boyfriend huh?", she questioned.

"Yes, are you deaf?", I scoffed before I felt a presence to the other side of me and I looked round to see Matteo, great.

"Hey babe, who's this?", he asked as I smirked at Leah before turning round to Matteo.

"She's no one", I said before wrapping my arms around his neck and placing my lips on his. After pulling away, I looked round to see Leah had left. Finally.

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