Bars and karaoke

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Christmas soon approached and I spent the holiday with Less and her family. I was thankful for the invite because I really didn't want to spend it by myself. I took a few days to fly over to Barcelona and see some of the girls too because I had missed them massively. I enjoyed the time off but it was clear that we all maybe enjoyed it too much as we lost our first 2 games against Birmingham and Man Utd, and drew against Man City. I also hadn't heard from either of my parents again which made me relieved.

My suspicions about Leah and Jordan were confirmed when Jordan posted a picture of the 2 of them and Leah's hand was on her thigh. That night I saw the picture I cried. Less came over and we ate ice cream out of the tub and binged schitts creek. I was so angry at Leah for falling back in with Jordan. She was so unhappy near the end of their relationship and they ended on mutual terms and now they're back together?

The only thing that brought me some sort of satisfaction was the fact I knew Leah's smile was fake. She wasn't happy. I knew that. But if she wanted to lie to herself and stay in that relationship then that's on her. But me being me, I couldn't leave well enough alone, which leads us to now.

We just beat Brighton 2-1 so we were going out to a karaoke bar to celebrate. Me, Less, Katie, Caitlin, and Steph were currently having a few drinks in Katie and Caitlin's apartment before heading to the club. Beth said she would meet us there with Viv.

"Here's to a chill and drama free night", Katie said raising her glass as she looked at me.

"Why are you looking at me?", I scoffed.

"I wasn't" she said handing me a shot with a wide grin. I narrowed my eyes at her but took the shot anyway.

"Since my ex and her ex who isn't her ex anymore is coming tonight I think you should all give me your shots", I said fluttering my lashes at them.

"Yeah, fair point", they all said as they slid their glasses to me. I took the shots before Katie announced the taxi was here.

Once we got to the club, I immediately pulled Katie to the bar, knowing she was the only one who could keep up with me.

"4 shots of tequila and 2 double vodka lemonades", I said to the bartender as she smiled at me.

"What's the magic word?", she said leaning over the bar as I raised my brow at her.

"Please", I said looking up at her through my lashes as she smirked at me. She leaned into my ear before whispering "good girl" and going to make our drinks.

"Get under her to get over Leah", Katie said.

"Thinking about it", I mumbled as I watched her make our drinks and set them in front of us. I pulled out my card to pay before she put her hand over mine.

"It's on the house, but only if you come back and see me at the end of the night", she winked before going to serve another customer. I felt my whole body flush as I took the shots, not realising I also took both of Katie's.

"Hey! You're like a fish", Katie complained as she ordered 2 more shots.

"Oops", I said sheepishly as she took her shots and we grabbed our drinks and walked over to our table.

"There she is", Beth cheered.

"Here I am", I said as I jokingly bowed. I make eye contact with Leah who was sitting with Jordan. She narrowed her eyes at me but I just rolled my eyes and looked away in confusion.

"She seen the bartender eye fucking you and you lapping it up", Beth said making me smile.

"Good", I shrugged.

The drinks continued to flow and with Beth and Katie being the shit stirrers that they are, sent me to get the next round.

"You're back", the bartender, whose name I've learned is Tara.

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