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"Can we talk in private?", she said as she glanced at all the girls.

"No, I don't want to talk to you, so please leave", I said as I stood up and looked at Less who seemed to have caught on to who she was.

"I think you should go", Less spoke.

"I'm her mother, I'm not going anywhere", she said as I clenched my eyes together. Fuck.

"Mother? You told us your mum was dead", Leah said confused.

"You told them I was dead?", my mum asked hurt.

"Well it was better than the fucking truth wasn't it", I spat and you could cut the tension with the knife.

"We need to talk about-"

"No! You don't get to walk in here and try to talk to me after everything you put me through", I said as angry tears brimmed my eyes.

"Fine, I'll leave, but we aren't done here", she mumbled as she made her way to the door. I ran my hands through my hair then over my face as I looked at Less.

"We're gonna go okay? Call if you need anything", Steph said as the girls all headed out and left me, Leah and Less.

"Could you give us a minute Less?", I said as she smiled and nodded before walking down the hall to my room.

"Why would you tell us she was dead, Liv?", Leah asked shocked.

"She's dead to me, Leah, what's the difference?", I said as she scoffed.

"The difference is she isn't dead, this isn't just a little white lie, this is serious, Liv", Leah said exasperated as I ran a hand through my hair.

"She's not in my life Leah, what's the big deal?", I sighed.

"The big deal is I love you!", she shouted as tears were building up in both our eyes, "I love you and you won't tell me anything about your past. I get it, you don't have to tell me everything but you don't have to lie either, Liv, I love you, so why won't you let me in", Leah said weakly as she bit her lip to stop herself from crying. Say it back, Liv.

"I- I'm sorry", I stuttered as the tears finally fell from her eyes. I knew she was hurt. Hurt that I lied. Hurt that I've been hiding things from her. And hurt that I didn't say it back, "I have way too much baggage Leah-"

"Baggage that I want to unpack with you, Liv, but I can't do that if you won't let me", she said as I felt my heart physically breaking in 2.

"What else have you lied about?", she asked as I looked at her.

"What?", I whispered.

"Is your dad alive too?", she asked.

"I told you I never wanted to talk about my parents again", I said angrily.

"So he's alive then?", she said as I nodded.


"I can't do this", she choked as I felt the tears fall down my cheeks.

"Don't do this", I whispered, feeling my breathing become shallow as I realised what was about to happen.

"I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me-"

"I do trust you!", I pleaded as she slipped on her shoes.

"Please don't make this harder-"

"So that's it? You're breaking up with me?", I choked as she refused to look at me.

"I'm sorry", she whispered before she walked out the door without looking back.

"Fuck!", I shouted as sobs rippled through my body and Less came running out of the room.

"It's okay, I've got you", she whispered as I sobbed into her chest and she stroked my hair.

"She left me, she actually left", I cried as Less whispered soothing words into my ear. It's my fault she left, I didn't want to be honest and come clean about everything in case she left, but she left anyway and it's my fault.

"Let's get you to bed, yeah?", Less said softly as she helped me up and guided me to my room. She got in beside me as I once again found myself crying into her chest until I fell asleep feeling absolutely drained.

Alessia's POV:
Once Liv was fast asleep, I slowly got out of the bed and walked down the hall into the living room. I grabbed my phone and dialled Ingrid's number.

"Alessia?", Ingrid yawned into the phone.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?", I said apologetically as I heard Mapi ask who was on the phone.

"It's okay, what's wrong?", she asked.

"You should probably put me on speaker", I said as she put me on speaker and said I could talk.

"Melissa turned up to Liv's apartment a few hours ago", I said quietly.

"Melissa? Liv's mum Melissa?", Mapi asked shocked.

"Yeah, to make matters worse she barged in on a team game night, Liv told them all she was dead but now they know that was a lie, but it gets worse", I sighed.

"How could it get worse?", Ingrid asked skeptically.

"Her and Leah argued and Leah broke up with her, she cried herself to sleep so I stepped out to let you both know"

"Fuck, this is not good", Mapi sighed.

"We're getting on the next flight", Ingrid said as I heard the 2 of them shuffling about through the phone.

"Are you sure?"

"She needs us", Ingrid confirmed.

"Okay, she has a spare room you 2 can stay in"

"Did Melissa say why she showed up?"

"No, but I'm assuming it's because of Liv's dad"

"Probably, thanks for the call Less, we'll see you tomorrow", Mapi said as I said bye and ended the call. I walked back into Liv's room and crawled in beside her again and she immediately cuddled into me.

"I've got you", I whispered as I ran my fingers through her hair and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed as I shot up and looked around but couldn't see Liv.

"Shit", I mumbled as I walked out of her room and heard the tv on. Liv was cuddled up under a blanket on the sofa with a glass of wine in hand. I looked at the time and seen it was only 10.30am.


"Do not lecture me right now, Russo, just let me wallow in self pity", she mumbled as she finished her glass and poured herself another. I noticed an empty bottle on the floor and the bottle she was currently drinking out of was nearly empty. Mapi and Ingrid should be landing soon so I'm hoping they can talk some sense into her.

I just let her be and after about half an hour, she was passed out cold. I had a few private messages from the girls asking if she was okay. I replied to them all while waiting for Mapi and Ingrid to get to the apartment.

It wasn't long before I heard a knock at the door and went to let them both in. I hugged them both as I brought them to the living room where Liv was.

"I woke up to an empty bed and found her drinking, told me to leave her alone and then she passed out not long after that", I said as Ingrid crouched down in front of her and moved a few stray hairs away from her face.

"The sooner her dad is in jail the better, he's tormenting her", Mapi said as we looked at the fragile girl on the sofa.

"What exactly happened between her and Leah?", Ingrid asked as Mapi grabbed the basin from the kitchen just in case Liv woke up and felt sick. I explained the story to them of what I heard.

"I see Leah's side of things", Mapi said as Liv started to stir awake.

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