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"Jesus, Liv, how the fuck did you live here for 3 years?", Beth said as she took off her jacket.

"Trust me, I could never get used to it", I said taking off my own jacket. We were currently inspecting the pitch before our match later and I was patiently waiting for the Barcelona girls to get here.

"Liv!", I heard a voice shout as I turned round and seen Mapi and Ingrid. I ran towards them both and threw myself into Ingrids arms as Mapi wrapped her arms around us both.

"Os he echado de menos a los dos", I said into Ingrids neck (I missed you both).

"¿No nos has echado de menos", I heard Lucy tease beside me as I walked over and hugged her, then Keira, then Alexia (Did you not miss us?).

"Por supuesto que lo hice", I smiled at them (Of course I did). "Now that I have you all in the one place, I want you to meet someone", I said as I turned round and scanned the pitch for Leah.

"Le!", I shouted once I spotted her as she jogged over to us, placing her arm round my waist and a quick kiss to my cheek making me blush. I cleared my throat before introducing them.

"You obviously know those 2", I said pointing and Lucy and Keira, "this is Ingrid, Mapi, and Alexia", I said as the 3 of them stood with their arms crossed and I felt Leah tense. "Hey! Stop trying to scare her", I scolded as they broke into laughter.

"Nice to properly meet you, Leah, we've heard a lot about you", Ingrid said.

"You're all this one talks about", Mapi teased making me groan and hide my face in Leah's chest.

"Stop fraternising with the enemy, let's go!", Katie joked making us laugh.

"We'll see you after the game, good luck", Alexia said as me and Leah took off towards the group.

"Wasn't so bad was it?", I said grabbing Leah's hand.

"They care about you a lot, I'm glad you have that", she said kissing my temple making my heart flutter.

"Let's get this game over with so you can get to know them properly", I said squeezing her hand as we walked into the changing rooms.

"This is a shit show", I mumbled as I took a gulp from my water bottle.

"It's only 2-0, we can come back", Katie said but I could tell she didn't mean it, Barcelona were all over us.

"Let's just go back out there and give it our all okay? Win or lose, we do it as a team", Kim said before we all headed back out for the second half. That's what I love about Kim, she can always make the best out of a bad situation.

Not even a minute into the second half, Barcelona are on the offence but Leah manages to intercept the ball. She makes a run into midfield and keeps going before she's harshly tackled by Paredes. Leah goes down to the floor, face scrunched in pain as I set my sights on Paredes.

"¿Qué coño fue eso?", I said angrily as she rolled her eyes at me (What the fuck was that?).

"Fue un tackle justo, ella está bien", she said back which just pissed me off more (It was a fair tackle, she's fine).

"¿Se ve bien, joder?", I said as I shoved her hard, prompting her to push me back (Does she fucking look fine?). I shoved her again as Ingrid and Mapi tried to pull me away.

"¡Basta! Ya basta", Lucy said to both of us as she dragged Paredes away (Enough! That's enough). I shrugged Ingrid and Mapi off of me before I heard the ref blow her whistle and call me and Paredes over.

"Is there a problem here?", the ref asked making me scoff.

"You seen the tackle didn't you?", I said as it was Parades' turn to scoff.

"It was a clean tackle", she said annoyed.

"I'll fucking show you clean-" I said shoving her again as she shoved me back. We both went to step forward again before I felt 2 hands pull me back and a few Barcelona players pulling Parades back.

"Relax, Liv, what was all that about?", Leah asked as I started to calm down.

"Nothing, sorry", I mumbled as the ref showed both me and Parades a yellow and play continued.

The game ended 4-1 to Barcelona, I wasn't surprised they won but it was a group stage game, everything was still all to play for. We shook hands with all the players before applauding our fans that travelled to watch. I was in conversation with Mapi, Ingrid, and Less after I told Mapi and Ingrid that Less knew everything so they wanted to meet her. The fans started to pile out of the stadium and my eyes scanned the crowd before I laid eyes on someone I never thought I'd have to see again.

"No, no, no, no", I mumbled over to myself as I clenched my eyes shut and shook my head.

"Liv? Liv, what's wrong?", Ingrid asked worriedly.

"He's here, he's here", I said gripping onto Ingrid's arm as her, Less, and Mapis heads snapped towards the crowd.

"Where, Liv? Where did you see him?", they asked panicked as I shook my head.

"I need to get out of here, please", I whispered as the 3 of them dragged me through the changing rooms and into an empty room.

"Are you sure it was him?"

"I know what I saw, I know it", I choked as they glanced at each other.

"Okay, it's okay, we believe you", Ingrid said as she pulled me into her chest as I sobbed.

"He's not going to do anything when you're with people okay? You'll be with us and Leah tonight, and you'll be in a hotel with everyone tonight too before going back to England tomorrow, you're safe okay", Mapi said as she ran her fingers through my hair and I nodded.

"Okay", I mumbled in agreement as I pulled myself together and we walked out. Me and Less walked into the changing rooms and I walked straight over to my locker, trying to ignore the concerned glances that Less was throwing my way.

"Hey, are you okay?", Leah asked softly as she sat down beside me.

"Yeah, being here just reminds me of my parents", I said. Not technically a lie?

"I'm sorry, should we cancel tonight?"

"No, I want to go out, it'll help me get my mind off things", I said as Leah nodded and pecked my lips.

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