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As soon as we got in the club, the smell of alcohol and sweat hit me immediately. We had a private table which I was quick to reach once I seen the alcohol laid across it. I opened the bottle of champagne and poured myself a glass and sat down.

As the night progressed, I became more and more drunk but I was still very aware of my surroundings, especially when I noticed Matteo dancing all up on some girl on the dance floor. I didn't feel jealousy or betrayal, just pure anger and relief?

"Luce, hold my drink will you?", I said not taking my eyes off of Matteo. Her eyes followed mine as she seen him lean in to kiss the girl.

"Liv, don't do anything-"

I didn't hear the rest of her sentence as I was already making my way towards him.

As soon as I reached him, I gave a hard shove to his chest that sent him tumbling back.

"What the hell", the girl said shocked.

"I'm his girlfriend", I said not taking my eyes off of him as I noticed her scurry off out of the corner of my eye.

"What the hell is wrong with you?", he snarled as I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Me? You were just about to kiss her!", I shouted.

"Don't be stupid, Liv, I wasn't going to kiss her", he said shaking his head.

"Oh so you're gaslighting me now? You're an asshole, you know that?", I said as he just glared at me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the bar. Once we got outside, I aggressively pulled out of his grip as he pointed his finger at me.

"You are a fucking nightmare, Liv"

"Screw you! You're the one who needs constant attention from me and can't accept that I actually have a life outside of you!", I screamed at him as I took a step closer.

"Life? You don't get to talk about having a life when you killed our baby!", he shouted as I felt the wind being knocked out of me and tears brim my eyes. Don't you dare fucking cry, Liv.

"We're done, so fucking done", I said lowly as he scoffed.

"Good luck finding anyone to love you, Liv. Whenever they find out how much baggage you carry, they'll run a fucking mile", he said viciously and it's like I seen red.

I charged at him before I felt 2 hands wrap around my waist and I was thrown over someone's shoulder.

"Que te jodan, gilipollas, será mejor que esperes que nunca te vuelva a ver, joder", I shouted over the persons shoulder to Matteo until we turned a corner and I finally realised I was actually over someone's shoulder (Fuck you, asshole, you better hope I never fucking see you again). The person finally let me down and I came face to face with Leah.

"Seriously, Williamson? What the fuck was that?", I said as I waved my arms about in annoyance.

"Calm down", she said as I started to pace.

"Calm down? Calm down? You heard all of that right? How the fuck do you expect me to calm down?", I said as I continued to pace and she placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Breathe", she said softly, the softest I've heard her speak as her eyebrows furrowed together.

"I'm... very angry, and I need something- I'm sorry", I said scanning her face as she looked at me confused.


I cut her off by harshly by pushing my lips against hers. It took her a second to process what was happening but she started to kiss me back with more force as she backed me up against the wall. I let out an involuntary moan when my back hit the wall and she slipped her tongue into my mouth. Dammit, she's a good kisser, a fucking great kisser. I reached my hands up and gripped onto her hair as she placed one hand around my neck and used the other to wrap one of my legs around her waist.

We both got pulled out of our make up session by a group of people laughing and shouting. My chest was heaving up and down as I stared at Leah and her bruised lips.

"This", I said pointing between us both, "is never gonna happen again", I said straightening out my dress as she smirked at me.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart", Leah said as she took a step back. She started to walk back towards the bar and I followed close behind her until she stopped abruptly and turned round.

"Before I go back to teasing and annoying you, I have to ask", she said as I nodded for her to continue, "are you okay?", she asked softly and I felt myself blushing. Why the hell am I blushing.

"Yeah, all good", I said clearing my throat. I could tell she didn't buy it but she didn't question me on it.

"Good, you're blushing by the way", she smirked making me roll my eyes before following her back to the bar.

Crazy what love can doحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن