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Leah's POV:
Liv has been on edge ever since the match earlier and I'm worried. She told me it was because being here reminds me of her parents, but I have this nagging feeling that there is something more. I won't ask her though, if she wants to talk about it she'll do it in her own time.

"Ready?", she asked me as I nodded and grabbed her hand. We got into the Uber and after 10 minutes, we pulled up outside the bar we would be meeting them at.

"Are you sure you're okay?", I asked her once more as she let out a sigh.

"I'm fine, promise", she said smiling as she placed a short kiss on my lips. I don't believe her one bit.

"Liv, Leah", we heard our names being shouted as we walked over and joined the 5 girls. We greeted each other as Liv sat down in the booth and I slipped in beside her and rested my arm round her waist.

"You calmed down since the match then?", Keira teased Liv as she rolled her eyes.

"She was an ass, that tackle was unnecessary", Liv said taking a sip of her drink.

"Look at you all loved up", Alexia jokes but I felt Liv tense beside me as I furrowed my brows. I knew it was a joke which is why I laughed it off. I know I love her, it might be too soon for her which is why I haven't said it yet, but after her reaction to Alexia's joke, it's clear she doesn't feel the same which breaks my heart a little bit.

"Leah give us a hand with the next round of drinks?", Lucy asked as her and Keira stood up and I followed them.

"Don't take it personal", Keira said.

"Take what personal?"

"The fact she tensed when Alexia made that joke, love doesn't come easy for her", Keira continued but it just confused me more.

"What Keira means to say is that it does come easy for Liv, I can tell she loves you by the way she talks about you and looks at you, but she won't say it", Lucy said.

"I don't understand", I mumbled as they sighed.

"She's never told any of us she loves us, we know she does, but she just can't say it", Lucy said as I nodded in understanding.

"Why is that?", I asked softly.

"We think it has to do with her parents, there's more to that story than she lets on, she never talks about them, just says they're dead and that's it", Keira said as the bartender set down our drinks.

"Just don't take it to heart if you say it and she doesn't say it back", Lucy says as I thanked them for telling me and we walked back to the table.

Olivia's POV:
"I'm gonna run to the bathroom", Alexia said as she left the table so it was just me, Mapi, and Ingrid.

"So you 2 haven't exchanged those 3 words then?", Mapi asked as I finished my drink.

"What kind of question is that? You know we haven't", I scoffed.

"You clearly love each other", Ingrid said softly.

"Just drop it, please?", I begged as they just nodded and we shifted our conversation to football before Leah, Lucy, and Keira returned.

"I adore her for you, don't let her go", Ingrid whispered into my ear as I tightened my arms around her.

"Remember our talk Leah", Mapi said sternly as Leah jokingly saluted her.

"We're leaving now", I groaned making them laugh. We said bye once more before me and Leah headed back to the hotel. My phone was blowing up with texts from Mapi and Ingrid when I got to the hotel.

"Who's that?", Leah asked as my phone pinged multiple times.

"Just Mapi and Ingrid making sure we got back okay"

"They do know it was just a 10 minute car ride right?", Leah joked.

"Yeah, yeah they're just protective"

"I get it, I'm protective over you too", Leah said placing kisses on my neck making me laugh.

"Alright, bed time, I'm exhausted", I yawned as Leah picked me up and crawled into bed with me. I cuddled myself as far into her as I could and fell asleep easily, feeling safe in her arms.

It was now Halloween and we had our FA Cup semi final match against Brighton today. Beth and Viv were hosting a Halloween party that night and I'm already regretting my hangover in the morning, especially if we win. I hadn't thought about him since I was in Barcelona so I'm starting to think I was imagining things but I don't want him to ruin my life again.

"We win this, we're going to have a cracking party later, that's all the motivation we need", Katie joked as we got ready to head out to the pitch.

"So what are you wearing?", Leah asked me as I heard Less and Steph laughing behind me. "They know but you won't tell me?", she asked shocked.

"Trust me, you'll want to wait and see for yourself", I whispered to her as she bit her lip. Honestly, the fact we haven't had sex yet baffles me because everytime I see her, I just want to pounce on her and I'm hoping to get the chance tonight.

"Better be worth it", she says eyeing me from head to toe making me blush.

"Oh it'll be worth it, I think you'll like what I'll be wearing underneath it too", I said into her ear as I bit her earlobe and walked off smirking to myself.

The game finished 3-0 and I've never been more happy to finish a match and get home. I told Leah I would meet her at Beth and Vivs so she wouldn't see my outfit. I was heading to the party with Katie, Steph, and Less who were going to be here anytime.

I checked myself out in the mirror and nodded my head in approval. Damn. I bought some lingerie, red of course, to wear under the outfit. I was wearing a black and white playboy bunny outfit with a pair of stiletto heels. I usually hated wearing heels unless I had to, but the pain was worth it tonight.

I walked into the kitchen with my phone and poured myself a glass of wine before I heard the door go. I let the 3 girls in as they all wolf whistled at me.

"Damn, Liv", Katie commented as Caitlin jokingly glared at her.

"Leah's going to want to get you alone as soon as we walk through the door", Katie said making me blush.

"Oh my god", Less gasped, "you 2 haven't done it yet have you"

"Wow, thanks, Less", I groaned as I poured myself another glass and poured them one each too.

"Okay, tonight's mission, get Liv laid", Caitlin said as Katie high fived her.

"Once Leah sees what I have under this, I won't need help from you 3 to get her to fu-"

"Ew, do not finish that sentence", Less said as I smirked at them.

"Saved by the bell, Ubers here", Caitlin said as we finished our wine and made our way outside.

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