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I wake up the next morning, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I turn to see a sleeping Leah beside me. She's lying on her stomach with the duvet hanging at her lower back and a few strands of hair over her face. She looks beautiful. I reach over for my phone, turning the brightness down and opening TikTok.

Every so often I come across an edit of Leah, always looking extra fine. I laugh to myself after seeing each one, knowing she's actually mine. Well, not officially, but still mine.

"You're making the bed vibrate, what's so funny?", Leah mumbled as she kept her eyes closed.

"Seeing edits of you on TikTok, crazy how many people simp over you", I said as I continued to scroll through more videos.

"You being one of them", she said.

"I'm not", I scoffed lightly as she lifted her head off the pillow and groggily squinted her eyes at me.

"You are"

"I'm not"

"That's not how it looked last night", she smirked as I started to blush profusely.

"Shut up, that was a moment of weakness, and I couldn't exactly go anywhere", I said referring to the handcuffs.

"So you don't want me to fuck you again?", she teased making me blush again.

"Stop it, go shower or something", I mumbled.

"If you wanted space to watch thirst traps of me, all you had to do was ask", she said walking towards the bathroom as I threw a pillow towards her, narrowly missing her as she walked out the door.

"I hate you!", I shouted jokingly as I heard her laugh and close the door. I scrolled through TikTok some more until Leah got out of the shower and I got in after her. I cleaned myself of the smell of sex before coming back into my room to see Leah dressed in my clothes.

"Helped yourself did you?", I teased as I dropped the towel from around my body leaving me naked.

"I didn't think walking about in my Halloween costume would be appropriate", she shrugged as she licked her lips at my naked form. I smirked as I put on a bra and underwear before throwing on some joggers and a hoodie. I walked over to her and lay on top of her, cuddling into her chest. She ran her hands up and down my back as we sat in a comfortable silence. I'm falling so hard and it's scaring the shit out of me.

I leaned back as she rested her hands on my waist and I cupped her cheeks.

"Eres lo mejor que me ha pasado", I whispered as I stroked her cheeks with my thumb (You're the best thing that's ever happened to me).

"Translate?", she whispered as a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Not this time", I said as I leaned back into her chest and she kissed my head.

It's been a few weeks since Halloween and life has been bliss. Me and Leah have been amazing and the team is doing great. We beat West Ham in the league 4-0, HB Koge in the champions league 5-1, and are now currently on the bus to play Tottenham away.

"Staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window, let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find, reaching for something in the distance, so close you can almost taste it, release your inhibitions, feel the rain on your skin", me, Katie and Caitlin sang the words to each other as we were stood up in the bus.

"Oh god, someone change the song", Steph groaned as Leah changed the song. I laughed as Karma Chameloen started playing and me, Katie and Caitlin turned to Stina who was hiding her face in her jacket. Beth jumped up to join us as the chorus started to play.

"Stina Stina Stina Stina Stina Blackstenius, she scores the goals, she scores the goals", we shouted as Stina turned bright red but started to laugh. We pulled up to the stadium much to my disappointment as I was having too much fun.

"You're pouting", Leah said pinching my cheeks as I slapped her stomach lightly.

"Quit it, I was having fun", I mumbled as she grabbed my hand and started to pull me off the bus. We both realised there were people outside so we let go and I walked behind Leah and beside Less. Once we got inside, I pulled Leah to the side.

"You're okay with keeping this a secret from the media right?", I asked nervously as she smiled at me.

"Of course", she said softly as she kissed my forehead. "My mum is desperate to meet you though, Jacob is travelling right now so it'll just be her and my dad. I know you were supposed to meet them after we got back from Spain but it was hard to find the right time with our schedule but we're off tomorrow-"

"Le, relax", I laughed slightly, "tomorrow is perfect", I said pecking her lips as she smiled at me. We walked into the changing rooms and got changed for the warm up. Once that was done, we got ready to walk out for kick off. I was starting this game so I took my place in the line and we all walked out.

The first half was uneventful to say the least, it was a shit match to be honest so I was hoping to make a difference in the second half.

Not even 5 minutes into the second half, Katie and one of the Tottenham players start to argue and push at each other. I sighed and walked towards them, knowing Katie can hold her own. But my walk turned to a sprint when 2 other players got involved and started to shove Katie. I was by Katie's side within seconds as I shoved one of them hard enough to make them stumble. They started to back off before Clemaron shoved me. Kim, Lia, Caitlin, Beth, Steph, and Leah were involved as they tried to separate everyone. Once Katie seen her push me, she wriggled out of Kim's grip as she tried to get at Clemaron.

She started to point her finger at Katie and cuss her out which just pissed me off more. I shoved her again before Leah and Beth dragged me away. The ref called me and Katie over as well as Clemaron. She started to give off to the ref as me and Katie glanced at each other, trying our best not to laugh.

"Woah woah", Katie said holding her hands up in defence.

"Calm down", I smirked and it just wound Clemaron up more. The ref gave us all a yellow before we all walked off.

"Are you alright?", I asked Katie.

"Pfft, I'm fine", she laughed.

"Seeing them gang up on you like that, I didn't like it", I muttered as she slung her arm round my shoulder.

"I appreciate that, Liv", she smiled before we went back to our positions.

Tottenham managed to score 1 around the 65th minute making me groan.

"Fuck sake", I muttered.

"Idiot", Clemaron said as she jogged past me.

"What the fuck did you just say?", I scoffed as I took a few steps towards her before being stopped by Steph who gave me a stern look. Clemaron just smirked at me as I glared at her.

"Maldita puta", I huffed before jogging back to my position (Fucking bitch).

Play continued and the game turned very scrappy. 2 added minutes were shown and I started to panic. We need a point from this game. I seen Katie with the ball as I made a run into the middle and she passed it to me. I ran past the only defender and put my foot through the ball as it found the back of the net. I ran to the corner with our fans and knee slid into the corner, tapping on the badge. I felt the girls all pile on me as they screamed and shouted.

"Fucking come on", Katie shouted as I jumped on her back and hugged her.

"Couldn't have done that without you McCabe", I said.

"Our friend is watching", she said nodding to the sub bench as we seen Clemaron. We both smirked and waved at her as she glared at us. Bliss.

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