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chapter five
(deer in headlights)

After maintaining her motionless state for a prolonged duration, she unleashed a barrage of harsh words, however, due to being caught in a situation that was equivalent to that of a deer in headlights, the caretaker of the Hogwarts establishment w...

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After maintaining her motionless state for a prolonged duration, she unleashed a barrage of harsh words, however, due to being caught in a situation that was equivalent to that of a deer in headlights, the caretaker of the Hogwarts establishment was notified of the incident.

Doe's fury was further escalated, as she had never, on her own accord, been punished with detention—always when she was accompanied by James, she inevitably found her way to evading responsibility, although, regardless of his absence, she had managed to pin the responsibility to him—and she did not care a single speck, if he were not acting in such an obnoxious manner for no reason.

The evening made an appearance, which was accompanied by her detention, which had caused some intense anger within her; she could not halt her blood from boiling, as James had strived to avoid interaction with her in any aspect—this was not a level-playing field.

Over the course of the following few weeks, Doe pursued, as she had some support from people who were known to her—including a female from Hufflepuff, who had gained recognition for her ability to seek out individuals, or for a better term hunting.

The Hufflepuff, known as Artemis Wolfe, was—rather dangerous in the sense of knowing too much. She was regarded as the informant of Hogwarts.

"I am impressed." Artemis shook her head in disbelief," I thought Remus was a challenge to get information on, but, James, he really knows how to slip past."

Doe departed, experiencing a defeat, as she had not managed to obtain a single piece of information; she did not believe that a moment would arrive in which she would be required to offer compensation to someone in order to be able to locate a companion, yet that specific day had appeared—indeed, it seemed absurd.

Her unrequited feelings combined with this added difficulty of her friendship being at stake posed considerable challenges; her one-sided affection seemed rather difficult to deal with by itself, and, presently, her friendship appeared to have been put at risk, which only exacerbated the difficulties.

Did it mean that it was bound to happen?

Did James figure out her secret?

And if he did, was he disappointed in her?

"Not as if it mattered what he felt, he should at least explain it to me. I am not a bloody mind reader!" Doe exclaimed in frustration as she walked the empty halls. She harboured a desire to obtain the map, though, out of a desire to protect the integrity of the said relationship, she refrained from attempting to persuade Sirius to betray his best mates and grant it to her.

In addition to this dilemma, she recollected one particular occurrence from the past weeks, specifically, the incident which had prompted the determination that she and Sirius would cease with their secretive appointments—she then came to a halt, as a hand made its way to her forehead in understanding; she inquired, as to whether James truly possessed the awareness, in addition, she mulled over if her deceptions were seen through—did he know? Did he see through the fabrications?—the lies of theirs and hers.

There was the possibility that he was experiencing a sentiment of frustration, due to their prior dishonesty; they had not divulged their secrets; James may have harboured an assumption of betrayal as a consequence.

"Since he doesn't see me romantically, I highly doubt he'd care if I was sleeping around with Sirius" Doe mumbled with a degree of bitterness.

Nevertheless, unfortunately for her, it appeared as if the universe was determined to cause a significant level of chaos to descend upon her life. 

Two individuals, who were currently under the cloak of invisibility, were advancing toward their desired destination, with the purpose of assisting their companion with his monthly problem that pertained to the form of a furry creature that haunted him, and happened to hear the words that the young lady had uttered.

James who was under the cloak with Sirius looked at his friend in question. Sirius sighed and was defeated. He wasn't bothered with anyone finding out, but he knew Doe wanted to be careful.

And the last person she ever wanted to find out — was the first person to find out.

Once Doe had departed, which prompted James to believe that she was out of eyesight, he proceeded to shed the cloak— whilst he merely remained motionless, gazing at his best mate, in a state which could only be perceived as one of reflection.

He had questions—so many questions, however, he just gaped like a deer in headlights.

"Listen James—there are just some things you should pretend not to hear—" Sirius attempted to overlook the situation, though, before he could even utter a further statement, he was interrupted when he received a blow to the face, inflicted by a fist.

It was not the time and day for the fight, but the males forgot about their other friend—who was struggling in the shrieking shack as the night was nearing.

What transpired during that night could not be foreseen, however, it provoked a significant degree of complications in the following days.

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