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chapter sixteen
(things to talk about)

Doe dwelled upon her life after Hogwarts

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Doe dwelled upon her life after Hogwarts. As graduation drew nearer, everyone faced with increasing fear and apprehension.

She was betrothed to her childhood best friend, James Fleamont Potter. Their rivalry throughout childhood and growing attachment when it was already too late remained a subject of constant reflection. At times, she imagined it all to be a dream from which she would awaken and witness James continue to pursue after Lily Evans.

Doe's love for James was genuine and reciprocated; nevertheless, despite making marital plans, there remained certain matters requiring discussion.

Things should have been left in the past, however, James and Doe—they couldn't let it go. They, having consistently divulged countless secrets to one another, were reluctant to conceal anything.

With the conflict looming, it became necessary for them to communicate all that had transpired thus far, especially due to its significance.

James opted to address a topic that he had never desired to discuss with Doe, yet he couldn't prevent the persistent sensations from permeating his head.

"When you and Sir-", James uttered, pain evident in his every syllable. "When you and Sir—", his voice cracked, his throat tightening with emotions. He continued, "When you and Sirius... started that relationship, did you two consider what would transpire if either of you caught feelings?"

James's tone made the hurt obvious, the query clearly a great concern for him.

While walking together, Doe took a deep breath and explained the subject they discussed, acknowledging that it had been an issue of discussion between her and Sirius.

"To be sincere, James," she disclosed, "We had conversations about it. It was just a few months into our relationship when Sirius pondered the possibilities. Should circumstances come to that point, we determined that we could terminate our union. If feelings developed, we'd notify one another."

After receiving the response from Doe, James posed a follow-up question. The inquiry was a tad difficult for him to verbalize.

"And... what if you didn't? What if you were to have feelings?" James said, his mumbling betraying his apprehension on the matter. The implication was clear.

Doe's response was one that was not difficult to comprehend. She essentially stated that they were far too devoted to other individuals, their love surpassing any other romantic aspirations they may have entertained.

As Doe paused walking to speak with James, she gently touched his face. She explained her emotions, noting that if he were to be in a connection with Lily, her affections for him would persist.

"I honestly know, if you ended up with Lily, I'd love you still. I'd find the means to cope and move forward, but I knew it would always be you," she claimed.

James's body language changed as he responded to Doe's genuine words. His face became awash with emotion, his heart hurting for her.

James had always harboured affection for Doe, even while infatuated with Lily. He couldn't envision the latter being his long-term partner. On the contrary, he envisioned his future with Doe, who, he thought, possessed a rare ability.

No matter what came to pass, James desired the presence of Doe in his life. She recognised him for who he was, which he valued deeply. "It was always Doe Evergreen," he uttered.

James verbalised the phrase the second time, his words now carrying the weight he sought to impart. Now, he truly wanted to share with Doe how deeply and intensely he adored her.

"Doe Evergreen. My Doe." He took note of her emerald-coloured eyes. With those thoughts on his mind, he stepped closer to her and gently placed his head against her forehead.

"I cannot convey in terms of words or gestures how profoundly and madly I cherish you," his tone was fervent, passion coursing through his voice.

The two embraced, their embrace warm and comforting. Doe observed tears falling from James' eyes and soon felt her own shedding.

Irrelevant of what could have transpired or the potential futures they'd each had, all that mattered now was that they were together. Even if external elements attempted to separate them, if factors tried to pry them away from each other, Doe and James would resist. They had each other, henceforth, and they were bound to confront every obstacle together.

Irrespective of the time needed, despite the pain, the tears, the lies, and the secrets.


A year prior, when attending Potions class with Professor Slughorn, it was their task to study Amortentia, one of the most potent potions that could alter the drinker's state of mind.

Professor Slughorn allowed them to sample the concoction, which possessed a unique odour that was personalized to each individual based on their own desires and appeals. Following their inhalation, he permitted his students turn to explain the smell they had discerned.

Doe's aroma was a combination of dewy grass, cinnamon, and broom polish, and she had a good grasp on why. It was as though she was aware of the reason.

On the contrary, James did not comprehend the implications as his mates did, and he had been the subject of their mocking.

When it was his turn, he detected several scents: sweet peas, similar to Doe's favorite fragrance, treacle tarts, which was her favorite treat, and finally, the smell of the sea, since Doe's residence bordered water.

James had not recognized these clues; the realization dawned upon him late. It was merely a few days afterward, the event involving the spilt potion which occurred in the hallway.

Doe frequently utilized a sweet pea fragrance that James had gifted her. She habitually consumed treacle treats following their evening meal and, provided the opportunity, she would consume those delicacies continuously. Then, her home was a space with which he was intimately familiar. He had visited her abode more frequently than his own.

James's commitment was steadfast as he strived to fix the situation. His sole goal was to demonstrate his true love and assure that Doe was happy and content.

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