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chapter six
(secrets revealed, but at what cause?)

chapter six (secrets revealed, but at what cause?)

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Doe stumbled upon a certain male—Peter Pettigrew. He was also best mates with James, however, Doe realized that she had never actually spoken to the male. Despite being in the same house and even being friends with James.

He was present when he joined James and his peers in bullying Severus Snape, but he remained inconspicuous and came across as nonexistent to the Doe.

Doe was about to summon the male, he suddenly moved awkwardly, which concerned her, but before she proceeded to investigate the reason of his unusual movements, she observed him transform into a rat. Unlike James and Sirius, whose Animagus forms were much larger, it was simpler for him to reach the Shrieking Shack in his reduced state.

The Doe furrowed her eyebrows, she had an option of ignoring the male and appearing oblivious to his secret, nonetheless, she felt compelled to pursue him, which she was confused by. She was unsure why she felt that way, but she had a hunch that there was some underlying reason. This was not the first time she felt that something was off.

Doe was frequently suspicious of the nicknames the four males had for each other, despite the fact that they weren't frequently discussed in front of others, James occasionally slipped up and referred to best mates- Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtail - as by their nicknames. Eventually, it became common knowledge that James was referred to as Prongs.

Doe brought the pieces together previously, she recollected the instances when James and Sirius, being talkative individuals, were comparatively quiet, as for Peter, it wasn't that evident as the male had a tendency to keep to himself.

"It appears like Peter, James and Sirius are also Animagus," the Doe concluded in her thoughts.

Doe proceeded to tail Peter, experiencing trouble with keeping up, yet fortunately, she didn't lose him sight. She halted when she understood where they were; it was the Whomping Willow.

Doe felt chills, she was aware that she shouldn't get close to the tree, nonetheless, before she could even consider doing a U-turn, she spotted Peter hastening towards the tree.

She berated herself inwardly, yet she stifled her thoughts upon seeing Remus emerging from behind a tree, which rendered her to remain motionless.

She watched Peter in his small form go for an odd-looking knot in the tree and somehow he immobilized it. Remus marched ahead and entered a hole underneath the tree, followed quickly by Peter.

Doe waited for a moment and followed the males, as she did, she discerned Remus's murmurs stating "James and Sirius -", however, as she was further back, she couldn't fully make out what else was being uttered. So she forged ahead, maintaining to follow the path.

Doe started pondering, attempting to rationalize why in Merlin's name she had followed through with her absurd idea of pursuing them, regardless of her ability to regain her sense, she was taken aback when she squeezed herself through the hole which led into a desolate house.

"The Shrieking Shack," the Doe uttered aloud, unknowingly, which brought about an echo, catching the attention of Remus and Peter who were situated in the adjacent room.

Remus, who noticed the night approaching, almost stumbled, and Peter caught him in time.

"Doe?" The female jumped when the males walked to the room she was in—

"What in Bloody's name are you—" Peter voiced.

However—things did not escalate well.

The night was here.

The full moon peaked through a window.

Remus could no longer keep his sanity.

Peter dashed away from Remus and rushed to the Doe, he wasn't particularly useful during these nights, apart from having the ability to immobilized the Whomping Willow, therefore, he decided to do the best he could, and that was to defend the Doe.

She wasn't his friend, but she was important to James, so he knew without being told that he had to make sure she was safe.

"Where in Bloody name was Sirius and James?!" Peter shouted in his head as he went to take Doe away—

Nevertheless, Peter proceeded to extract the Doe from the shack - he possessed none of the luck in the world for that, when he attempted to leave - Remus successfully restrained the male, grabbing a hold of his wrists, preventing him from moving.

He was useless in his Animagus form, thus, he kept his original form and didn't transform.

Doe realizing the situation, having all her instincts flaring—

"Peter, it's alright transform, I'll flee!" the Doe called out, she leaped down the hole she made her entrance through, the events of the night spiraled to the worst side.

Doe ran—but was she going to be fast enough?

THE DOE AND STAG , james potterWhere stories live. Discover now