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chapter nineteen
(the evergreen family)

Doe Evergreen is the only child of Philomena and Laurence

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Doe Evergreen is the only child of Philomena and Laurence.

Laurence, Fleamont and Euphemia had known each other back in Hogwarts, whereas Philomena met Mia and Ren later since she attended Beauxbatons Academy.

Laurence Evergreen was in the same class as the duo, and was the top student in class. He also served as the Quidditch Captain for Gryffindor and, subsequently, Seeker.

Laurence was well-known and regarded as the most popular male in his year.  Numerous women had passed through his dating history, contributing to his notorious reputation. In fact, he fully expected to graduate as a bachelor. The notion of love was something he considered to be an illusion.

Philomena Chaucer was a typically average student at Beauxbatons Academy who had a limited number of close friends. In stark contrast to Laurence, she was not interested in gaining popularity or notoriety. In fact, she was content with her situation, relishing the relative anonymity it afforded.

Philomena was indeed a natural beauty and attracted plenty of admirers. However, she didn't pursue relationships, as love was something she deemed to be sacred. When the perfect partner came along, she would readily commit to marriage.

After graduation, Philomena met Laurence at the wedding of Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. Her family had known the Potters for generations.

Despite their initial encounter at the wedding, Laurence and Philomena soon discovered a conflicting perspective on romance. Laurence wasn't interested in a commitment, while Philomena regarded love and commitment as crucial parts of romance.

Whenever Laurence and Philomena attended gatherings at the Potters, their debates became a normal occurrence. It was as if they had a strict routine of bickering and could never pass up the opportunity to do so. Nevertheless, their love eventually emerged, and it took a good five years for the Potters to realize the couple was perfect for one another.

In actuality, the plan for Laurence and Philomena's pairing was carefully conceived by Fleamont. He had known Philomena since their childhoods and was very familiar with her ideal companion. Indeed, Fleamont knew Laurence was the one for her, considering he was also close friends with the latter.


The Evergreen ancestry has always been involved with potionsmaking. Despite this fact, the bloodline had no history of inventing potions like Fleamont and his ancestors. Instead, they focused on providing the ingredients for their services. Laurence and Monty entered into a mutually beneficial agreement in recognition of the need for stability in their ancestral family business, which entailed supplying to others but prioritizing their own company.

The joint venture between the Evergreen and Potter families began with their successful partnership. Laurence and Monty agreed on a contract permitting both their bloodlines to work together in the future. Consequently, Monty was able to invent, with the Evergreen's support, Sleekeazy's Hair Potion in the year 1926. In the aftermath of the successful transaction, they mutually determined that they would join forces indefinitely.

In accordance with their established partnership, Laurence and Philomena decided to have children later in their twenties. Much like how Euphemia and Fleamont Potter had issues conceiving, the same pattern repeated itself when the Evergreens and Potters attempted multiple times but were unable. Eventually, the Evergreens were gifted with their blessing in the year 1958, followed by the birth of their beloved daughter in December of the same year. On the other hand, the Potters were blessed in 1959, with their son arriving in March of the following year.

During the first few years after welcoming their daughter, the Evergreens spent some time living in France to take care of Philomena's parents, who were growing older and needed additional support. After a while, Philomena's mother and father passed away just a few days apart at an old age, prompting the family to return to England permanently when their daughter was around four years old.

Their mid-fifty ages limited Laurence, Philomena and the Potter's ability to bear more children. The couples recognized the significance of nurturing close relationships between their children from an early stage. Thus, they decided to arrange a meeting for their offspring, hoping it would lead them to make lifelong friendships.

As the parents presented their children to one another, they felt an intuitive sense that they were meant to be united, particularly after observing Laurence and Philomena's example.

When James and Doe eventually disclosed their romance to their parents, their parents were already making strides to orchestrate a wedding ceremony. However, those two young individuals were content with the situation, since they had no preferences in the selection process or arrangements.

The union of their families was all they could ask for. If their family business continued or not, their parents didn't mind. They had enough wealth combined to last for many generations.

The parents were aware of James' aspirations regarding his career path as a Quidditch player and had a general idea of Doe's ambitions to pursue a career in the mediwitch field. She was specifically interested in providing medical care to Quidditch players, as they were a significant part of her patients.

Professional Quidditch was nowhere near what they experienced back in Hogwarts.

Despite their awareness of their children's aspirations and intentions, their parents were taken aback when they discovered that Doe, James, and many of their friends were involved with the secret Order of Phoenix society. The youngsters were permitted to divulge the organization's existence to their parents, but no additional details were shared, as it was sworn to be hushed.

The parents were opposed to their children joining the Order, knowing the risks involved. Despite attempts to dissuade them from proceeding further, the kids had already made their final decision and were dead set on their chosen path.

The parents realized that interference to prevent their offspring from participating in the battle was futile and decided to support them unconditionally even if they hated the thought of it.

These dark times left little room for choice, given that it required the participation of everyone. Doe and James would remain loyal to the cause rather than retreating from the battle.

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