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chapter seven
(night changes)

With the night only having just begun, a fresh wave of dread engulfed the heart of  Doe, as she realized her very existence depended on the swift escape she was attempting

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With the night only having just begun, a fresh wave of dread engulfed the heart of  Doe, as she realized her very existence depended on the swift escape she was attempting. In spite of the concern that plagued many others,

Doe was convinced that Peter was safe, having observed enough small interactions that he knew how to keep himself safe. However, should he choose to accompany her, the circumstances surrounding their situation would not only persist, but become even more severe.

She is the sole obstruction that has arisen in this issue that we are discussing. In contrast to Remus, she is the sole party responsible for her unwise desire to seek insight beyond what was initially available to her. If indeed things continue to remain as they currently are, the events that she has set in motion may lead to the complications that the males are currently facing, in fact, to be magnified.

She was completely aware of the fact that the entire situation was her fault and in no way shape or form the fault of anyone else. Even in the event of something going awry, she knew she would never direct blame towards anyone but herself, as she was the one who had acted foolishly.

Although Doe Evergreen possessed excellent physical capabilities, she was navigating a path with considerable obstructions. While the journey was not an easy one, she was committed to maintaining her swift and consistent pace. She took all necessary steps to ensure that she would not be halted due to tripping or falling.

Her bright eyes gleamed in the light of the exit that lay before her, though the sight was also tainted by an unfortunate reality. She realized that she did not possess the swiftness that she had hoped for, causing her to carry a hint of apprehension as she approached the goal.

Her acute hearing picked up the heavy footsteps as they followed behind her, the sound causing her eyes to well up with moisture to the point of stinging. She acknowledged that Remus was indeed the one behind her, though at the moment, he bore no sense of humanity within him, only intense desire. The realization that she was about to be caught filled her with pure fear.

His growls and snarls grew louder. Doe felt dread.

Her deep and slow breaths quickly developed into quick and sharp ones, the intense exertions made worse by the pure physical exhaustion of such an ordeal. The sounds of her screams that she attempted to keep silent emerged from deep within her, as she managed to escape her pursuit for the time being, but the ordeal had left her voice hoarse and her mind filled with fear.

Upon managing to make her way through the exit, she immediately recognized that this was only a temporary escape, as there was no possible way to outpace him. She slowly realized that her life was now in serious jeopardy, and that her hopes of escaping his clutches were growing ever slimmer with each passing moment.

Even after reverting back to his human form, Peter attempted to belt out his cries in order to distract the werewolf. Though Peter used all of the volume he could, the werewolf continued to display an unyielding fixation towards Doe, and he would not even remotely consider diverting his attention away from her.

Doe promptly discarded her robes as she continued to sprint in an attempt to flee. Unfortunately, despite her increased pace, the deafening footsteps following behind her grew even louder, making her struggle even more difficult. She pulled her wand out, yet her terror prevented any magical words to manifest from her lips, and the wand remained inert in her grip.

She heard a sharp slice in the wind, prompting her to realize that Remus had just attempted to strike her. As she continued to run, she noticed that the attacks became closer and closer. Her fleeing came to an abrupt stop once she reached a cliff, her path now at an end. Remus stumbled upon a branch prior to arriving in close proximity to her, and he now took a stance in front of her, blocking her final hope of an escape.

Remus let out a low growl, and Doe raised her wand, though her energy and focus were quickly waning.

"Remus," she whispered between shaky breaths, her voice trembling as he took small steps towards her. The male's pace was indeed glacial, seeming as though there was some sliver of humanity that still existed within him that was preventing him from acting with haste and intensity. Doe watched with tears streaming down her face as he gradually advanced towards her.

As her hope briefly surfaced, it faded just as quickly, as her arm, the one still cradling her wand, had its skin pierced by sharp and narrow claws. She immediately expressed her torment with a pained cry, but this was immediately followed by terror, as the ground beneath her feet began to crumble.

Doe's eyes grew wide as she saw her surroundings become obscured, and as she tumbled down the steep cliff, she noticed the window of opportunity that Remus had to prevent her from plummeting to her death. She could only hear Peter's frantic cries.

Doe's attempts to conjure a spell provided her with an extra few seconds of life, as she managed to prevent herself from colliding with the unforgiving ground. However, the injuries she had sustained would most likely prove fatal in due time.

Doe's vision was now obscured, but in the final fleeting moments of consciousness she could have sworn she witnessed two fleeting forms, the image of a stag and a black dog, racing to her aid. A light giggle escaped her lips, though it was unclear whether this was a result of pure shock and delirium.

"Merlin!" her mind cried. The ocean of regret and anger washed over her, completely engulfing her within its endless and unrelenting darkness. She found herself drowning in the unforgiving sea of self-reproach, and she swore that, if she somehow made it out of this, she would dedicate every ounce of her future efforts to ensuring that none of the harm that had been inflicted upon her could be attributed to Remus.

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