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chapter eight
(she knew)

Doe was profoundly fortunate

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Doe was profoundly fortunate. She was so outrageously fortunate that Remus had opted not to bite her—although she did observe a few changes. The scars were simple to disguise, yet the anxiety still persisted.

Remus had been burdened with apprehension, despite this, Doe permitted him to acknowledge consistently that it was not his mistake. She opted not to allow his apologies, and it took a while, but ultimately, he quit doing so.

Oddly, after the incident, the one major modification was that Doe and him had established genuine relationship.

The female slightly joked that they were presently scar partners—to James's concealed irritation at their hasty union. However, instead of letting that sensation develop, he centered himself on the circumstance at hand.

With regard to Remus, guilt was felt—with regard to James, a contrary narrative unfolded. He had never officially discussed the whole Sirius-Doe debacle, yet it was the final concern on his brain.

Upon discovering her lying in the wooded area with wounds, his entire being felt crushed. Her survival ought to have provided him some peace of mind—yet if he had not initiated a disagreement with Sirius, them both would have been by Remus and Peter's side.

Doe's account was heard and she did get sharply rebuked by him, nevertheless in end, it materialized and they couldn't reverse the clock.

He was furious with her—yet most of that sentiment was overridden with apprehension. He could have lost Doe that night—and her blood...blood...Merlin her blood grew cold in his hands as he held her in his arms.

James suffered from nightmares and ultimately—in the culmination of them, Doe was lifeless in his grasp. Following the initial episode, he was grateful that Remus was still recuperating inside of the Hospital wing.

Sirius and Peter had been awakened by his bloodcurdling wails. Both individuals pledged to the Potter that they would not advise Remus due to their understanding that their considerate companion was unworthy of any further guilt that he already felt owing to Doe—James had not blamed Remus, simply the nightmare that his imagination was formulating.


Doe and James—the pair of them had no notion as to what to communicate to each other. They behaved in a manner that was appropriate around each other but none of the two had been in the close proximity of the other without the company of others. They were both uneasy.

Lily was the only individual outside of the loop, yet nevertheless, she did not require saying anything to Doe as well as James. She just grasped the fact that an incident needed to have occurred and whenever the moment arrived they'd tell her or otherwise.

THE DOE AND STAG , james potterWhere stories live. Discover now