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chapter ten
(it depends on how you want to see it)
rated 18+

chapter ten (it depends on how you want to see it) rated 18+

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Things changed.

At least to Doe and James it did. For others? It didn't seem like it did.

The pair always told others that asked "It depends on how you want to see it" was the response given by their duo, as for them, they were knowledgeable of their stance and neither one of them felt the need to provide a clarification.

Their sixth year was approaching its close and though there had been a blend of both moments of uplift and instances of decline, it seemed as if everything had fallen into its ultimate configuration that would be observed throughout the climaxing year.

On the last night of the school year, James and Doe were discovered sheltered beneath a tree where they frequently went for all those years in the vicinity of the Black Lake. The female played with a stone in her grasp, meanwhile, the male gazed at the body of water.

A few months prior, when James and her had stumbled into the water and proceeded by his declaration, there had not been much that took place afterward and as a result, the verdict had barely been affirmed.

They were yet to articulate that which laid in their hearts via their mouths, but considering they had known one another for multiple years, it was quite identical to the idea that their hearts had already recognized the response.

They didn't need to confirm anything.

James looked upward toward Doe who presently had her eyes closed and reclined her arms prior to relaxing in the wind that glided by. He slowly altered his position and inclined toward her. He inclined his head on his arm and drank in her visage. His grin slowly faded as his eyes wandered down to one of her limbs and his smile vanished.

Doe emitted a soft noise and opened her eyes to view him," It does not bother me."

James blinked at her," What?"

"The scars," she spoke in a quiet voice, the tips of her digits following the lines, "I actually like them." Her lips transformed into a smirk as she continued," Arty said that scars are capable of making somebody look attractive."

James exhaled through his nostrils and extended his fingers toward her scar," Artemis only says that to Remus. I mean she did once declare he was a hot piece of art that was living and breathing."

Doe laughed and fell backward to the grass. Her expression turned somber as she turned her head in the direction of James, saying," Next year, things are going to drastically change. Not just because it's our final year...but..." Her eyes went distant.

THE DOE AND STAG , james potterWhere stories live. Discover now