purple n mt

12 1 0

I'm concerned about Purple and MT.

Like the two most mentally unstable bitches are now attempting to become a family unit??

That's a fucking recipe for disaster.

A lot of people see them as this perfect family almost immediately after AvM S3 ends. Like, it's cute and all, but MT is unstable and Purple isn't any better. The only difference is MT has much fresher wounds, and Purple has mostly childhood traumas, as well as the stuff MT put them through.

As much as they fill the roles of people they lost, the two honestly need time to heal separately because they probably just see each other now as Navy/Orchid 2.0 (MT feels like a combination of Purple's biological parents to me) and Gold 2.0.

But obviously, they are their own people, and cant be different just to give the other the comfort of conformity. (ESPECIALLY in MT's case. He obviously can't physically abuse Purple because that's what they're used to.)

Not to mention the scars MT has given Purple in S3, which makes them more likely to be terrified of him the second something goes wrong. MT starts thinking it's his fault, etc, etc...

At least one of them starts relapsing into a horrible mental state and we've got the same problem again.

All that said, I feel like they just need to get some goddamn help and have time to heal separately before becoming a family unit, otherwise everything can very easily go wrong and they deserve only the best. 

originally on tumblr

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