1. A Risky Request

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How unfortunate. A wedding, and yet you have nothing planned. The dress? Unpicked. The gift? Out of the question. Why would you even consider giving a gift to your cousin Patricia, of all people? Well, because she's the one getting married and flaunting all her riches by getting with your ex, of course. After all, you were so humble and giving to that man, until you found out they were having an affair behind your back. As much money as that man gives, you had some self-respect and left that trash bag of a human being. Cutting them off and living in the suburbs with your share of the money that you rightfully took as your own— a humble share he wouldn't have noticed, that is— was a blessing. Working remotely, biking around the beautiful mixture of nature and civilization, and living that peaceful, quiet life. You were grateful, happy even, until that damned letter arrived.

You could feel the snobby energy erupting from the envelope as soon as you ripped the top open. "Patricia and Magnus invite thee to a romantic day where two lovers unite." Yeah right, "lovers" is not the word you would ever use for this particular circumstance. However, one annoying rule stood out to you among the others: formal attire required, no children allowed, and oh yes, you must bring a plus one. What kind of joke was that? Did they relish in large crowds forced to watch them fake laugh and show off the expensive amenities they, oh so kindly, want to present?

You didn't really want to dwell on it; all you knew was, you were not going. Or so you thought. You'd been putting off that decision for too long. It had been about two weeks since you received the letter, and all you'd done was waver between attending and staying at home with your mug of tea, sulking on the couch and rewatching The Witcher for the hundredth time. How dare they recast Henry Cavill? You wondered, but back to the point.

On one hand, staying home would be a massive "screw you" to them. But then again, the wedding was undoubtedly grand; it's not like they would've cared either way. On the other hand, you could show up and prove a point: that you don't give a damn about them and just want to enjoy yourself on a nice evening. Be the bigger person, the nonchalant, cool girl you certainly weren't. Let's not forget, a wedding this lavish meant really good food—perhaps even a nice cup you might shove into your purse because you liked how it looked. So you decided, fuck it, does it really matter? Your cousin had found her equally despicable partner in crime (ah, love prevails), so what's wrong with having a little fun for yourself? Spice up that bland, calm rhythm of your life at the moment.

Yet here came the big problem: a plus one. Who? You'd been too caught up with work lately to socialize, and your closest friends were either too busy or too far away. You almost resorted to Tinder or any other dating app, but the idea gave you the creeps. Finding someone exactly to your tastes seemed impossible. They were either too old or too young, too sexual or too family-oriented. And besides, who on Tinder would agree to be a fake plus one at a wedding with you? All this thinking was getting too much, and you just needed a break.

The wedding was up in the countryside and in... four days, now that you checked the calendar on your wall. You sighed and flopped dramatically onto the couch, groaning in frustration as you kicked and tossed the pillows. Once you settled your vigorous emotions, you stared blankly at the ceiling, listening to the gentle tick-tock of the clock in the background. You needed a little treat; that should solve it.

You grabbed some comfortable clothes and a scarf since the weather app said it would be slightly chilly, then headed out, locking the door with your jingly keys adorned with chains from special moments in your life—school, clubs, friends. It was a small metallic circle of memory lane, so to speak.

Stepping out into the spring afternoon welcomed you with soft sunlight and indeed, the chill that nipped at your skin. You were glad that now, in the suburbs, you could walk more than drive, enjoying the nature around you as much as you could. The rustle of the leaves as you walked under them, and how the sunlight filtered through the canopies of green when you tilted your head upwards. People walking their adorable pets around, some coming up to sniff you, the clouds, the gentle breeze—truly, taking a deep breath outside was a mind clearer.

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