13. Feeling Human

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Dark snapped his fingers almost absentmindedly, a reflex ingrained in him from aeons of wielding unimaginable power. However, as the sound echoed softly in the quiet room, he was abruptly reminded of his newfound mortal state. With a frustrated click of his tongue, he chided himself for the habitual gesture before turning his attention to the wardrobe.

The interior of the closet greeted him, each garment meticulously arranged according to his tastes and preferences. His favourite clothes hung elegantly, each piece carefully selected to reflect his understated yet refined style. Folded garments occupied the drawers below, neatly stacked and organized. From ties to socks, each finds its designated place in the ensemble of his, to be, daily attire.

The kitchen had polished pots and pans that gleamed under the soft glow of the overhead lights. The cupboards, too, were a testament to his proneness for orderliness, with every item placed strategically for easy access and efficient use. It was a space designed for functionality yet imbued with a subtle sense of comfort, reflecting his desire for a home that felt lived-in and welcoming.

The shelves in the living room were filled with his favourites. Books of every genre and era stood proudly on their shelves, their spines bearing the marks of countless readings and ruminations. From timeless classics to modern masterpieces, each volume held a story waiting to be explored. It seemed that his tendency for daydreaming and basically playing house had finally paid off, now that he had shed his title of god and embraced the life of a mortal. After all, this had been almost the same interior he had chosen every single time he had to stay on earth for some contract, and now he would live in it like an actual person, not an act.

At that moment, Dark realized the significance of the life he had chosen to embrace. No longer bound by the constraints of his divine nature, he had traded omnipotence for vulnerability, immortality for mortality. Yet, in doing so, he had gained something far more precious—a chance to experience life in all its richness and complexity.

Dark couldn't shake the surreal feeling that lingered as he adjusted the cuffs on his crisp white blouse. It was a simple act, one he had never given much thought to in his previous existence. Back then, he could be ready in less than a second, with a mere flick of his fingers. Now, however, every movement was deliberate, every action deliberate, and it was both unfamiliar and strangely enticing.

As he smoothed the sheets on his bed and freshened up in the bathroom, Dark couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of these mundane tasks. Fixing his hair in the mirror, he tilted his head while gazing at himself, realizing that even the act of grooming had taken on a new significance in his mortality. He rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck as he was trying to get used to his human body.

Dark's stomach grumbled suddenly and the thought of making breakfast brought a pang of hunger, but a quick glance at his empty fridge reminded him of his lack of groceries. He paused, no matter, he could easily just go to the market...he didn't know where that was. It's fine, he thought, remembering the strange rectangular devices called phones that humans seemed so fond of. With a resigned sigh, he reached for his nonexistent pocket, only to remember that he didn't possess such a device.

"Fuck," Dark muttered under his breath, a rare curse slipping past his lips.

The one seemingly trivial decision Dark had made in his divine existence was to establish a bank account. Why? Simply because he could, a lot of his decisions were for such reasons. It was one of the few indulgences he allowed himself as a mortal being, a cheat code so to speak. It was not his fault though, human society demanded money quite often when he had to stay here for contracts as if he were human. That could also explain passports and documents of him under the name 'Damien', he couldn't let his cover blow as a god, even if some actions raised suspicions.

Summoner's Folly // Darkiplier X Reader ✔️Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu