6. Secrets

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Screams and shouts pierced the darkness, their echoes reverberating through the shadows like a haunting melody. You found yourself alone, enveloped in an icy chill that seeped into your bones, igniting a primal fear deep within you. With each desperate cry for help, your voice seemed to dissipate into the void, swallowed by the emptiness that surrounded you.

You gazed upward, seeking solace in the expanse above, only to be met with a vast nothingness that seemed to mock your anguish. Looking downward, you were met with an abyss that threatened to swallow you whole, leaving you tumbling endlessly into its depths.

Amidst the chaos, voices whispered in the darkness, their words a chilling reminder of your predicament. "You made a mistake," they murmured, their tones laced with ominous foreboding. "This is an anomaly."

Confusion and panic surged within you as you struggled to make sense of your surroundings. Each plea for escape fell upon deaf ears, the void swallowing your cries without mercy. "Get me out, please!" you begged, your desperation echoing into nothingness. In a world devoid of sound, did your pleas truly reach anyone?

As if emerging from the depths of suffocation, you struggled to regain your bearings, the remnants of the nightmare still clinging to the edges of your consciousness like tendrils of darkness. The weight of it all pressed down on you, suffusing your body with a bone-deep weariness. Strong hands grasped your shoulders, grounding you in the present moment. Dark's concerned voice cut through the haze, a lifeline amidst the chaos of your thoughts. "Are you okay?"

Your throat felt as parched as the desert sands, your voice a mere whisper as you struggled to form coherent words. "Dark," you managed to croak out, the sound barely audible against the backdrop of your racing heartbeat. This wasn't just a typical nightmare—it was something deeper, more harrowing, stirring up echoes of past anxieties and fears.

With trembling hands, you reached out for him, seeking solace in his reassuring presence. At that moment, the lines between reality and nightmare blurred, and all you could do was cling to the lifeline that Dark offered, hoping it would be enough to pull you back from the brink of darkness.

"C'mon, get up," he murmured, slipping an arm under your torso with a gentle yet firm grip. With his support, you leaned back against the headboard, your body still quivering from the residual fear of the nightmare as your fingers clung tightly to the sheets.

"Look at me," Dark urged, his voice a gentle plea amidst the silence of the room. But your eyes remained fixed on the pristine white cover of the hotel bed, unwilling to confront the lingering shadows of the nightmare.

He said your name, his touch tentative as he laid his warm hand on your cheek. Surprisingly, his touch was a comfort, dispelling the cold tendrils of fear that had gripped your heart. With every brush of his fingers, every longing gaze, he shattered the stereotypes you had unwittingly assigned to him, revealing a depth of warmth and humanity you hadn't anticipated. Finally, you allowed yourself to meet his gaze, albeit with trepidation. As your eyes locked with his, you braced yourself for the void that haunted your nightmares, but instead found only concern in the depths of his gaze. His furrowed brows and worried expression spoke volumes, hinting at the weight of centuries-old secrets he carried upon his shoulders. you didn't know how to feel about the way he was handling you, was this still part of the contract?

"It's not real," he reassured, his thumb tenderly tracing the path of a tear that had escaped down your cheek.

What wasn't real though, him, the dream, this whole unbelievable thing you're in? You had only one way to make sure. You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around him without thinking, surely this would get you into deep shit, but you needed this, you needed a hug.

Summoner's Folly // Darkiplier X Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now