9. The Wedding

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The cool evening air enveloped you, the faint scent of jasmine lingering in the breeze. Dark hailed a cab, and you both slid into the backseat, the silence between you heavy.

The ride to the wedding venue was filled with tension from whatever it was that almost happened between you two. You stole glances at Dark from the corner of your eye, trying to decipher the expression on his face. It was as if he was lost in thought, a million miles away from the countryside.

Eventually, as the cab pulled up to the grand entrance of the wedding venue, you were greeted by the sight of twinkling lights and elegant decorations adorning the sprawling gardens. Guests milled about, their laughter and chatter filling the air with a sense of excitement.

It was your cue to be a couple of course, how exhausting it was to act. Dark offered you his arm as you stepped out of the cab, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. Together, you made your way towards the entrance, the anticipation of the evening ahead palpable in the air.

After passing through the bouncer with the invitations, you stepped inside. The huge grand ballroom was a sight to behold, with towering pillars and intricate floral arrangements adorning every corner. It left you in awe.

The tables were adorned with elaborate centrepieces, each one a work of art in its own right. Bouquets of fresh flowers spilt from crystal vases, their petals unfurling like delicate whispers of love. Twinkling fairy lights were nestled among the blooms, casting a soft, ethereal glow that added to the enchantment of the evening. Swathes of chiffon draped from the ceiling, billowing gently in the soft breeze, creating an illusion of floating clouds overhead.

The air buzzed with excitement and anticipation as guests mingled and revelled in the opulent surroundings. Laughter and animated conversation filled the space, creating a vibrant mixture of sounds that added to the festive atmosphere. The soft strains of music from the live band provided a melodic backdrop to the festivities, encouraging guests to sway and dance with abandon.

Magnus and Patricia's wedding ceremony had yet to commence; they included various activities to ensure guests were thoroughly entertained before anything official. From elegant dining stations offering an array of delectable treats to a well-stocked bar serving up refreshing cocktails and fine wines, there was no shortage of indulgence to be had...there was also a basketball machine in a corner where people seemed to be fighting over the high score, how nice of Magnus to add his passion for arcade basketball on display.

With that being said, you had less than an hour to really bask in the grandeur of the occasion. Before you could even decide where to head, it seemed your feet were following wherever Dark was leading you since you were holding onto his arm. You glanced over the heads of the other attendees to see where Dark was taking you and found yourself approaching the extravagant dessert table. It was a sight to behold, with an array of sweet treats fit for royalty laid out before you. Among the delicacies, a fondue fountain stood tall, its cascading streams of rich chocolate enticing you closer.

As you reached the table, Dark's eyes lit up at the sight of the fountain, a hint of satisfaction playing at the corners of his lips. It was his speciality, and he wasted no time in guiding you towards the delectable treat.

You watched intently as Dark skillfully dipped a plump strawberry into the rich, velvety chocolate, his movements graceful and precise. The sight of him savouring the sweet treat made you want to try it yourself, but before you could grab your own, Dark extended the chocolate-coated strawberry towards your lips. "Try," was all he said. Just a couple of hours ago you wanted to try something sweeter, you wished you could, you wished you were kissing the chocolate off his lips but you knew those were just daydreams.

Summoner's Folly // Darkiplier X Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now