8. Revelations before the wedding

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"The void is acting out," Dark began, his voice low and distant as he kept his back turned to you. You stood frozen in place, scarcely daring to breathe, afraid that any noise might interrupt the flow of conversation.

"In other words, it wants to assert its dominance over something within me, to consume it entirely," Dark continued, his words carrying an eerie weight in the dimly lit room. "Much like shadows, they have a tendency to engulf and leave nothing behind. That's what I represent—emptiness, the absence of all."

Dark turned his face slightly, allowing his gaze to fall upon you from the corner of his eye. The tiny hint of warmth you see in him seemed to have vanished, replaced by an uneasy coldness.

"You... have been disturbing the delicate balance of my dimension," Dark stated. "It thrives on nothingness, on the absence of light and life."

Confusion and fear gnawed at your insides as you tried to make sense of Dark's words. Even though his gaze was only half-focused on you, it still sent a chill through your body, leaving you feeling more unsettled than ever before.

As Dark began to slowly approach you, each step echoing ominously in the dimly lit room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation creeping over you. You held your ground even through the sobering reminder you were facing the embodiment of darkness itself. How could you have forgotten, even for a moment, the true nature of the being standing before you?

With each flicker of the lights and every pulsating beat of your heart, the gravity of the situation became increasingly apparent. You were only seeing a fraction of who Dark truly was, or perhaps it was what he was holding up to, the title of his divinity, one he cannot simply falter with.

When he looked down at you, it was as if you shrank into the size of a mouse against unfathomable power. For a moment, there was silence between you, the only sound being the erratic beating of your own heart echoing in your ears. You couldn't tear your eyes away from his, captivated by the swirling depths of darkness that seemed to dance within them. But mortals usually reduce themselves for the sake of divinity and you won't. You aren't scared, you convince yourself, at least.

As you stood there, locked in his gaze, you couldn't help but wonder what secrets he held, what ancient truths he guarded within the shadows of his being. And though you knew that delving too deep could lead to your own demise, there was a part of you that longed to explore the forbidden realms of his world.

"I am not a deity," you began, your voice firm despite the tremble in your chest as you forced yourself to maintain eye contact with the abyss. "I can't disrupt any dimension's balance by merely existing."

"And yet you do," he interjected, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade. He stood before you, his hands clasped behind his back, a formidable figure cloaked in darkness. "You possess something I can never have, and for the first time in millions of years, I am aware of it. The divine may overlook such minuscule matters, but in your presence, I feel..." He trailed off, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air between you.

"Feel?" you whispered out your question.

"No matter," Dark shook his head.

You watched as Dark backed away, his movements rigid and controlled, betraying none of the turmoil that seemed to churn beneath the surface. His dismissal stung, leaving you standing in the dimly lit hotel room, grappling with the weight of his revelations.

As you struggled to process the gravity of his words, a sense of unease settled over you like a suffocating blanket. Dark's admission had peeled back a layer of his enigmatic facade, revealing a vulnerability you had never seen before. Yet, despite his apparent anguish, he remained resolute in his determination to distance himself from you.

Summoner's Folly // Darkiplier X Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now