7. Family Dinner

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"You'd be crazy to think we'd go there, in this kind of weather, in a car," Dark rolled his eyes at you before extending both palms toward you. "Hold my hands."

You hesitated, your lips pursed in reluctance but eventually relented, placing your hands in his. His touch was surprisingly gentle, his skin soft against yours. He instructed you to visualize the restaurant, promising you'd arrive there unseen. You closed your eyes, focusing on the image of the cozy Italian restaurant your aunt had chosen, one that Dark surely would like considering his pickiness for wine, but this was not about him right now. You subtly shook your head and squeezed your eyelids harder to push him away from your thoughts.

"Just as a warning, you might feel a little dizzy," he cautioned.

Before you could respond, a sensation washed over you, as if you were being pulled through time and space. The fabric of reality seemed to warp and twist around you, leaving you feeling like a piece of dough being tossed around. The experience was disorienting, threatening to induce a headache. Who knew teleportation could take such a toll?

As the disorienting sensation began to subside, you gradually became aware of your surroundings again. Opening your eyes cautiously, you found yourself standing on a cobblestone path in front of the Italian restaurant. The warm glow of the evening lights illuminated the quaint exterior, casting inviting shadows along the sidewalk.

You took a moment to collect yourself, the residual effects of the teleportation still tingling through your limbs. The air was thick with the aroma of garlic and tomato sauce, mingling with soft music drifting from within the restaurant. You two weren't under any lights, hidden in the shadows of the darkening evening and when you looked up, you noticed the rain couldn't reach you, with an invisible barrier protecting you from above.

Dark released your hands, his expression inscrutable as he observed your reaction. "Thanks," you muttered, your voice still tinged with disbelief. "That was... unexpected."

Dark inclined his head, his eyes flickering with a hint of satisfaction. "It's a useful skill to have," he remarked.

You glanced up at the restaurant's entrance, the warm light spilling out onto the street invitingly. Dark offered you his arm, you knew that was your cue to act.

With a deep breath to steady yourself, you rested your hand on his arm and followed Dark through the door, the comforting embrace of the relaxing interior enveloping you as you stepped inside. The ambience was intimate, with soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the tables and the murmur of conversation filling the air.

You exchanged a glance with Dark, a silent acknowledgement passing between you as you prepared to face the evening's festivities. Whatever lay ahead, you were determined to navigate them with grace and composure, even as the uncertainty of the situation continued to weigh on your mind.

As you and Dark made your way through the restaurant, you noticed the attentive gazes of the other patrons lingering on you. It wasn't surprising; after all, Dark's striking appearance and the air of mystery that surrounded him managed to draw attention wherever he went. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of shyness under the scrutiny of the curious onlookers.

Finally, you reached the secluded corner where the long family table awaited. Adorned with crisp white linens and sparkling glassware, it exuded an air of sophistication befitting the occasion. The lively chatter of your family members echoed off the walls, intermingling with the clinking of silverware and the tantalizing aromas wafting from the kitchen.

Patricia and Magnus were absent; this was a gathering arranged by your aunt to catch up with friends and family since this was the perfect opportunity to do so. As you scanned the people around the table, you recognized familiar and unfamiliar faces. Distant cousins were mingling with friends you'd never seen before, their laughter and animated conversation adding to the festive atmosphere.

Summoner's Folly // Darkiplier X Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now