4. Getting to know the void

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The ice cream parlour exuded a nostalgic charm with its pastel-coloured walls adorned with whimsical artwork depicting scenes of joyful ice cream consumption. A large chalkboard menu displayed a tantalizing array of flavours, ranging from classic favourites like vanilla and chocolate to more adventurous options like Circus Delights and Baseball Nut, surprisingly.

Behind the counter, a row of gleaming stainless steel ice cream machines churned away, producing creamy swirls of frozen delight. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked waffle cones, enticing customers to indulge in a cone or two.

Glancing over at Dark, you flashed him a mischievous smile. "How about some ice cream? My treat this time." The ice cream you were going to buy him covers nothing of the dress he got you; however, you wanted to show your thanks and get on his better side.

Dark clasped his hands behind his back as he glanced over the flavours behind the glass, leaning slightly forward to get a better look before he turned to you. "You mustn't," he said, his voice carrying a hint of reluctance.

"I insist," you countered, determined to treat him.

He relented with a small grunt, allowing you to indulge in this gesture of gratitude. Approaching the counter, you realized you were uncertain of Dark's ice cream preferences. Yet, as if anticipating your dilemma with a looming presence at your back, Dark intervened with his choice: plain old chocolate, no additions. The man behind the counter seemed slightly unnerved by Dark's presence, his smile awkward as he swiftly punched in the orders. You could almost sense a bead of sweat rolling down his neck as he typed down the order alongside whatever flavour you had asked for, as if the very atmosphere was wary of Dark's enigmatic aura.

You two happily settled into the chairs outside the parlour, eager to savour the fleeting moments of spring. Each of you held a cup of delicious scoops, the sweetness of the ice cream mingling with the gentle breeze. You kept the bag containing the dress close to your ankles so that you don't panic about accidentally losing it.

At first, there was silence between you, each lost in your own thoughts. But as you stole glances at Dark, you couldn't help but soften, your expression reflecting a mix of interest and curiosity. Dark noticed your gaze and inquired, "Something the matter?" His voice broke the quietude. He delicately savoured each spoonful of his chosen earthy flavour with slow, deliberate movements. Your cheeks grew warm at the eye contact, it didn't help how gentle he was with the melting dessert.

Even if you wanted to relish the burst of flavours dancing on your taste buds in the warm afternoon glow, you tilted your head in thought. This was an opportunity. "Well, Dark," you spoke, your words carrying a genuine tone that captured his full attention. "Is there anything more I could learn about you?"

Dark paused, holding the spoon to his lips as he enjoyed another bite of chocolate. After a moment, he responded, "Well, you could ask me anything you'd like to understand about our realm, although it's difficult for a mortal to comprehend, no matter how hard they try."

You shook your head with a soft smile. "No, I'd like to know about Dark himself. What do you like? What do you do in the void?"

"Ah," Dark's eyes wandered as he considered his response, lips quirking to the side. He took his sweet time before answering, humming softly as his gaze returned to you. "I love to read. When you have infinite time, there's only so much you can do, and the books are endless. Your kind is quite imaginative."

You found his admission fascinating, and you didn't hesitate to show your interest, simply resting your cheek in your palm while leaning on the table, encouraging him to continue. His smirk in response to your interest only fueled your eagerness. "My, aren't you curious. Although, it's safe to say you might be the first one to ask such questions."

Summoner's Folly // Darkiplier X Reader ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu