5. Train Rides & Long Talks

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The train station bustled with activity as you and Dark navigated your way through the throngs of commuters and travellers. The clamour of rolling suitcases and echoing announcements filled the air, creating a chaotic symphony that seemed to engulf you both.

Dark couldn't comprehend why you insisted on navigating through this overcomplicated maze when he could easily teleport you both to your destination. The fact that you seemed to have gotten lost in the sea of people on this busy day of the week only confirmed that you should've agreed with him.

As you scanned the crowd in a panic, searching for that familiar fluff of black hair, you cursed yourself for your carelessness. How could you lose track of the god of the void at a time like this, when boarding was just ten minutes away? It was mostly your fault, you admitted, having misread the numbers on the booking with tired eyes. But you reassured yourself that there was still some time left to spare, as long as you managed to find each other again.

You heard your name called out and quickly turned around to locate the source of the noise, hoping it was who you wanted to see. But as your eyes fell on the approaching figure, your expression soured, your mouth downturned with disdain. It was him, the fugly lying cheater you once called a partner.

"What are you doing here?" he said, his tone cheerful as if you were old friends reuniting after a long absence.

"Going to your wedding. What about you?" you replied, your voice tinged with sarcasm. It made no sense for the groom to be so far south, alone, without his bride, just two days before the wedding.

Magnus shrugged nonchalantly, pushing his Prada glasses up onto his head. "Work," he stated simply.

"Mm, heard that one before," you quipped back, unable to hide the scepticism in your tone.

Before he could say anything snarky back, you felt a tug at your hand, rough yet gentle. Dark intertwined your fingers together as he panted as if he ran everywhere in search of you, "I thought I lost you, darling."

Your heart skipped a beat at his actions, but you tried to keep your composure. This was all an act.

"And who might you be?" Dark raised his eyebrow at the man eyeing you two from head to toe. You took it upon yourself to answer for the twat. "Magnus, the groom, in the city for work."

"I see," Dark's tone was sinister as they maintained eye contact.

"It's good to see you finally found someone who agreed to accompany you to the wedding," Magnus chuckled at you.

"I'm surprised you found someone who wants to marry you," Dark retorted, his words laced with a sharp edge. He glanced at his watch with feigned interest. "Oh, would you look at the time. We must go. Hope you didn't overwork yourself at your job, you have a wedding to show up to."

Dark's smile was cold, devoid of any warmth as he addressed Magnus before swiftly pulling you away from the unpleasant encounter. As you both speed-walked in silence, his grip on your hand remained firm, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

The tension from the encounter lingered in the air as you stepped onto the train. You found empty cushiony seats facing each other beside a huge window, offering a promising view of the passing landscape.

Settling into your chair, you let out a sigh of relief, the hum of the train lulling you into a sense of calm. You couldn't help but steal a glance at Dark, who sat opposite you, his expression unreadable as he stared out the window at the passing people who hurried to their trains.

"What a cunt," he muttered under his breath, a rare display of raw emotion from the typically reserved god. His comment caught you off guard, his usually composed demeanour slipping for a moment.

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