12. Seeking light

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The void pulsed with an ominous energy, its vast expanse quivering with a strength that matched the turmoil raging within Dark. It was as if the emptiness around him echoed the agony gnawing at him.

With a strangled cry, Dark's anguish reverberated through the void, a haunting sound that echoed back to him with chilling clarity. In this realm of nonexistence, he was utterly alone, grappling with emotions beyond his all-knowing superiority. It was a pain unlike any he had ever known.

He was glitching out, it was as if reality itself was crumbling around him, the very fabric of the void beginning to unravel at the seams. His powers, once boundless, now surged within him with an intensity that threatened to consume him whole.

Dark's mind raced as he struggled to maintain control, to rein in the tempest raging within him. He reached out, grasping desperately at the threads of his own existence, clinging to the fragile semblance of order amidst the chaos. Each breath felt like a struggle. The weight of his existence pressed down upon him, smothering him with its crushing reality. In this moment of hopelessness, Dark found himself questioning everything he had ever believed, grappling with the agonizing truth that even gods fall.

As Dark lingered in the suffocating embrace of the void, he found himself ensnared in a web of emotions he had never before experienced. Every fibre of his being resonated with a tumultuous storm of feelings that just keep getting shattered by the abyss, each one more potent than the last. It was as if the very essence of humanity had seeped into his veins, drowning him in a sea of raw, unfiltered suffering.

He felt the sharp sting of sadness, a piercing ache that scratched at his chest with relentless ferocity. It was a pain born from the depths of his soul, a profound sense of loss and longing. In that moment, Dark realised what it meant to mourn, to grieve for something beyond his grasp.

But it was not just despair that plagued him; it was a cacophony of emotions that tugged at his heartstrings with unwavering persistence. He felt the fiery tendrils of anger, coursing through his veins like molten lava, burning away the icy facade he had long maintained. It was a rage born of frustration and helplessness.

And yet, amidst the chaos of his turmoil, there lingered a faint glimmer of something else. It was the spark of love, a tender emotion that danced on the fringes of his consciousness, beckoning him closer with each passing moment. But with love came fear, a gnawing uncertainty that clawed at his mind. For Dark knew that to love was to open oneself up to pain, to vulnerability, to the very essence of what it meant to be human. A god like him cannot love, he is the embodiment of the absence of warmth yet here he was, succumbing to morality.

He was a being caught between worlds, torn between the infinite expanse of eternity and the fleeting beauty of mortal existence. An anomaly that he must end one way or another. And as the void whispered its secrets in his ear, he knew that he could never return to the oblivion from whence he came. For once the veil of mortality had been lifted, there was no going back.

Panting, with a heavy heart and a determined mind, Dark focused his energies, channelling the last vestiges of his power into creating a vortex that would bridge the gap between his realm and the domain he swore to never walk across its threshold. The air crackled with raw energy as the vortex began to form, swirling with an otherworldly intensity.

As the vortex expanded, it grew brighter and brighter, its glow filling the surrounding void with blinding brilliance. Dark shielded his eyes against the searing light, his every instinct rebelling against the suffocating shine. With a final surge of willpower, Dark stepped forward, crossing the foyer and into the realm.

Home to the goddess Cecilia of light.

Instantly, he felt the overbearing light pressing down upon him, every fibre of his being recoiling instinctively from its purity.

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