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seokjin and namjoon always found time for each other. when seokjin was head deep in textbooks, obsessively wanting to study a new medical field, namjoon would make it his proirity to stay with him as he studied, rubbing his shoulders as he took an exam, sitting there with him as he complained about the workload being annoying. namjoon would always push to be there for him and it was the same for seokjin. when namjoon was obsessing over decoding new information, breaking into new databases to make sure their cover hadnt been blown, seokjin would be there to feed him, help him read through the information, and force him to take time and breathe. it was just how they functioned, they never knew any other way.

even when they argued, whether it be about something related to bangtan or they were just annoyed at each other, they always worked their way through their arguments, refusing to let something artificial ruin something so deeply rooted in their souls. it was just how they functioned. sometimes, the weight of bangtan on their shoulders got to them, wanting to be the best they could to help support their family and it was hard to pull themselves away from their work because of it.

which was exactly what was happening now, both of them buried in their computers as they attempted to grasp the weight of the news.


seokjin, despite telling everyone else not to watch the news and relax the following year, to focus on the kittens, was watching the news. he knew he was at least a little hypocritical, but he was so nervous nowadays after yoongi took everyone on their respective heists, gaining significant media attention. he was willing to be hypocritical, the chance of the other guys finding out and getting mad at him worth it if it meant they were safe.

he was watching as the weatherwoman talked about the local temperatures, faintly hearing the door open in the background. he looked up, noticing namjoon walk in holding burnt toast on a plate, before shuffling under the covers. he handed the plate to him, and grabbed at the toast, using the butter knife to scrape off the charred parts, before spreading jam on it for seokjin. "i burnt it." he mumbled, scratching his head.

"i noticed," seokjin smiled, leaning his head against his shoulder. he rearranged the laptop so it was on both of their laps, while they shared bites of the toast. namjoon placed a soft kiss on his temple, watching the news along side him.

"anything new?" he softly asked in seokjins hair, breathing in the smell of his shampoo.

seokjin sighed, about to answer, when the screen flashed, the words 'breaking news' flashing across the screen. seokjin sunk further into the pillows, getting comfortable as they watched the screen, a man showing up on screen, waiting a second, before speaking.

"this just in, a group of annonymous online hackers discovered the truth weve all been waiting for," a moment passed, silence on the screen about to make namjoon laugh, when yoongis face showed up on screen, the heading 'human experimentation' showing up on screen.

namjoon and seokjin both bolted up, panic filling their systems as they actually began paying attention, as the man continued to speak. "recent developments show numerous reports and papers about min yoongi, who was taken in captivity at the young age of six. these reports have since been made available to the public. the korean government has been hiding this information from us, which raises the question of who is truly in the wrong, them or min yoongi? stay tuned as we debrief his files-"

"oh my god, what the fuck do we do?" namjoon blurted out, slamming the computer screen shut. "he cant know about this, hell freak out-"

seokjin grabbed his face, turning him to face his. he took a deep breath in, waiting for namjoon to follow his lead, before breathing out slowly. "firstly, i think we should bring in hoseok." he said, namjoon quickly nodding and agreeing. "second, i think we should continue listening and find out all the information before we continue. we need all the information before we can make a plan, right?"

adapting (sequel to MAKE IT STOP)Where stories live. Discover now